Baby Balance Bikes 10-36 Month Toddler Walker Safety Upgraded | Toys for 1 Year Old Boys Girls | No Pedal Infant 4 Wheels Toddler Bicycle | Best First Birthday Holiday (Ladybug)
Natalie B.
Greater than one weekWe gave this to our grandson for his 1st birthday and he immediately took off on it and loves it! There is still room for him to grow as he is not quiet able to get on and off himself due to balance and just leaning to walk.
> 3 dayToy great
Makayla C.
> 3 dayMy little guys love this bike. Its built pretty well. Recommend for closer to a 2 year old.
Jeanine Davis
> 3 dayThe kids love this scooter. It can tip though.
Greater than one weekEasy to put together. It took him a bit to want to ride it as opposed to pushing it
Ying Liu
> 3 dayThis item which I received is well packaged. All the parts and materials are easy to install. My son is fifteen months now, he can sit on it and play with it. I bought the white colored one, it seems pretty bright and nice. It is not heavy at all, I could take it to the park
Greater than one weekI love this. I’m sure it’ll be too small when my baby turns 3. She’s currently 1 and easily disembarks with feet squarely on the ground. But it’s great otherwise.
Books and stuff
> 3 dayCute and easy to assemble. Bought this for a one-year-old and she loves it!
> 3 dayMy little 18 month old granddaughter was riding all over the house on Christmas evening. She loved the trike! Just be sure all pieces are snapped together tightly, otherwise very easy and fast to assemble.
Christine J
Greater than one weekThe baby loves it !