BELL Spider-Man Shooting and Swinging Toddler Bike Helmet, (3-5 yrs.)
> 3 dayMy grandson is 2yo and this helmet fit perfectly in his head. All other helmets that claimed to be his size fit to big. Very happy with this purchase.
Tameka D.R.Scatliffe
> 3 dayOrdered for my 4yr old; PERFECT FIT!! Very quick delivery! Just as advertised. Very Cool looking!
> 3 dayEven though it’s for kids 5-8 It fits my three year old son perfectly. He is in the 90th percentile for head size though :p Cool helmet
Brian Rowan
> 3 dayI bought this for my 5 year old son to match his Spider-Man bike. It was too small but it fit my two year old perfect, AND YES I did make sure to pick the proper size before purchasing. After I received the helmet I went to both target and Walmart. Bell brand helmets run a touch smaller then raskulls brand!
Lori Henderson
> 3 dayThese helmets are not true to size! I bought 2 different ones and both were too small.
> 3 dayFits big. Bought for 6 year old and the straps dont get tight enough to keep it from wobbling. Or maybe too small to fit on head right? Either way. Very cool. He loves it...sadly does not fit safely... pretty disappointed.
Deborah J McGivern
> 3 dayThis helmet was purchased for a 3 year old. We ordered the size based on his age but had to return as it was too small. The 5-8 year old size is perfect! It’s comfortable for him to wear.
Tina Hudson
> 3 dayHe loves it fit is good and adjustable, he even wears it to breakfast
A. G.
> 3 dayHelmet feels good but blue cover on top pealed in the sun.
Kimberly Watson
Greater than one weekMy granson loved this bike helmet..