BERG Pedal Kart Buzzy Nitro | Pedal Go Kart, Ride On Toys for Boys and Girls, Go Kart, Toddler Ride on Toys, Outdoor Toys, Beats Every Tricycle, Adaptable to Body Length, Go Cart for Ages 2-5 Years
Blue Eyes
> 3 dayThis was our second Berg Go Kart purchase. Our first was the Berg Buzzy Go Kart for our grandson. What a hit it was. So when our granddaughter turned 2, we bought the Berg Girls Buzzy Bloom Pedal Go Kart for her birthday. She is small for her age, and I was a little concerned as to whether she could pedal it. But she took to it immediately. We keep it at our house for when she visits, and she always wants to pedal. She has a regular tricycle at her house and still does not pedal it. The Berg Go Kart is a bit pricey compared to some but worth it!
Greater than one weekThis is the best peddle cart ever. He loves it. 5 yrs old and is perfect for him. Very Durable and strong as it needs to be for him. Would highly recommend
Prof. Neal Klocko Jr.
> 3 dayThe frame of the go cart is nice and the rest is crappy. The pedals are tiny, the plastic wheels are not lame and do not grab the floor. It’s impossible for my child to push her feet on it because the pedals are so small. The video of the girl doing it with ease is totally false and misleading. What’s more is that the seller is telling me I have to pay a huge portion to return it?!! It’s totally overpriced for what it is. Don’t waste your time and money.
Arielle Schmidt
> 3 dayLOVES IT!! The 2 year old can ride with her sisters now. All by herself. Yay!!
Dominik Behr
> 3 dayExcellent kart. My kid and neighbor kids love it. It was easy to assemble, it is very light compared to his friends 40lb kart so he has much better power to weight ratio ;-) FTW! My 2y5mo old uses the farthest seat setting but he is very tall for his age. I think we will need to upgrade to something bigger sooner than age of 5. Also, this thing needs a bell ;-) I also drilled a hole in plastic frame end cap and mounted a tail light. Every two year old appreciates bells and blinking lights!
> 3 dayWe have never purchased any Berg products, but based on this item we are definitely open to others. This thing is really awesome! Our 3 years old loves it and its going to be a challenge to get him onto a 2 wheeler down the line. Weve got a couple other 4 wheel/pedalled bikes and they are incredibly loud due to the hard plastic wheels. This little thing is super quiet and rides smoothly. It seems to be well made and looks like its going to last for a long time. My only regret is that we didnt buy one for our oldest child, who is now 7. Im confident that if we had, it would have lasted through all 3 and the youngest would be enjoying it just as much as he is now.
> 3 dayIve bought 3 of these now! I keep buying them for different nieces because they get jealous of the other one that already have it. They are super sturdy and crash proof. They get plenty of use and are one of the go to toys for all 3 of the girls
robert miller
> 3 dayIt was for my 3 year old grandson! He loves it
> 3 dayGood product
annette loveless
> 3 dayThe 4 big tires easy to operate