BERN, Kids Nino Helmet with Flip Visor
> 3 dayLightweight and seems very sturdy.
> 3 dayAbsolutely love this helmet for my son, it was the most stylish and functional one Ive seen. He gets lots of complements when we take him out bike riding, and he dosent fuss to wear it. 5 star!
David & Brea N.
> 3 dayThe green and blue helmet I bought for $40 at Walmart. It’s kinda loose but it was the only one that would cover the back of his head fully. This helmet fits so well! It covers more of the back of his head than the Walmart helmet. The adjustable back is more comfortable on his head. The way the helmet flattens out at the top makes for a much snugger fit. I can feel how well it cradles his head when I’m putting it on him.
Denniss gal
> 3 dayThis helmet is soooo stylish and comfortable for my 3 year old. I debated between the two small sizes and went with the smallest and Im glad I did! It fits perfect and still has room to grow. He has a normal size head. The helmet is light weight and has so much better protection then other toddler helmets that bubble up and sit on the top of the childs head leaving the forehead and back of head vulnerable. This helmet covers well and the cap visor is sooooooo rad and smart. It really keeps the sun out of his eyes and off his face! So glad we went with this helmet!!!!!!
Jessica D
Greater than one weekLove this helmet. Fits great and seems snug and safe. Just wish I could find the snowboarding insert on amazon as well.
tillie stiles
> 3 dayWe have tried several different helmets. The bern helmets are the only ones my kid likes. He always said the other ones hurt. This is the second bern helmet we have purchased for him since he grew out of the smallest one. He loves the shark design.
> 3 dayThese helmets are terrific. They have a velcro strap inside them to keep the helmet from sliding around. It is nice as nice as the turn dial on the adult version, but still effective. The slim design looks great and my son really likes the slip down visor. Im going to order the winter insert and take him snowboarding. It is nice to not have to buy another helmet.
> 3 dayFit great my 8 yr old son loves!!!
> 3 dayKids like it
> 3 dayMy almost 2 year old has a big head like his mama, so the small/medium worked perfectly for him! We tried others on at the store and they didn’t fit well and he kept prying them off. This one he loves, he keeps it on and it isn’t heavy.