BURSUN Kids Bike Helmet Ventilation & Adjustable Toddler Helmet for Ages 3-5-8-14 Kids Boys Girls Multi-Sport Helmet for Bicycle Skate Scooter, 5 Colors
Natalie C.
> 3 dayA cushion part inside was not attached properly to the helmet and when I opened the package, the cushion was attached to the outside of the plastic bag. I am not sure about the safety of this helmet.
> 3 dayA nice looking helmet that is sturdy. My granddaughter loves it.
> 3 dayWe bought this helmet for our 4 year old. We had previously purchased a different brand for our other child that was rated up to age 8 and she outgrew it before age 5 so we knew we needed a different brand. My favorite feature on this helmet is the adjustable sizing! Most helmets have the padding on the inside but it is a one size thing. This has the padding but it provides the ability to insure the fit is just right for your kiddo! We ordered the green one and the color is just as pictured. We will be buying another one for our next youngest as well.
Greater than one weekMy kid has a huge head. Hes only 18 months but this fits great.
> 3 dayDoesn’t keep fit/same length on chin strap. Strap constantly loosens up causing helmet to ride too high on head. My son fell and hit his forehead directly on concrete and the helmet didn’t protect it at all. He had a big bruise and goose egg on his forehead because of it. Not a safe product. Needs better straps.
The Morgignos
> 3 dayThis helmet rocks for our toddler. Super lightweight but crazy sturdy. She loves it and we’re stoked she stays safe in style!
Juliet Dare
16-11-2024Great fun for the child for his head
Mariano Hamill
> 3 dayLove this helmet! Nice padding on the inside. And I love the basic color vs the ones that are themed with cartoon characters.
Greater than one weekDont teach u kids how to use amazon. My son selected this item by himself, My son is 4 years old, 110 cm, this helmet is perfect size for him. Recommended item...
> 3 dayIt’s worked through the bumps