GLAF Toddler Bike Helmet Kids Baby Bike Helmet for 1 Year Old and up Girls Boys Multi Sport Adjustable for Scooter Bicycle Infant Youth Child Skateboard Safety Cycling
> 3 dayMy great-granddaughters first helmet to go with her first bike! She loves it!
> 3 dayIt’s cute and my daughter keeps it on her head. So I will take that as a comfy helmet!
> 3 dayDidn’t stay on well and had to return. Despite being the right size.
Daniel Moreno
> 3 dayThis what my granddaughter needed. She loves it a won’t take it off.
> 3 dayFits my 4 year old well. The straps adjust for growth. The only thing and it’s a size issue is for small kids the chin strap cushion has to be removed for big strap adjustments.
> 3 dayGreat helmet, well made, and lots of vents allowing plenty of airflow. Easily to adjust, and very comfortable! My eight year old was born with Lissencephaly (smooth brain) & Microcephaly (small head). This makes it difficult for us to by standard sporting equipment as typically his smaller head size isn’t accommodated. So when I saw the XS option I decided to give it a shot rather than spending a fortune going through an adaptive sporting equipment vendor. Y’all, I am so happy to report that this fits! It was a close call, but the smallest adjustment on the XS fits my sons head. While the lower price point is awesome, the thing that really makes me excited is the convenience of knowing that if something were to happen to this helmet we can have a replacement within days instead of weeks! When you add in the comfort of the helmet, the ease of being able to adjust it, and finally the abundance of vents allowing optimal airflow, this helmet is a winner! While I hope to never know how it performs in a crash, I fee confident that if something did happen, my son would be safe in his bike trailer.
Katie Morrissey
Greater than one weekThis does not fit my toddlers head correctly at all. A helmet should not move when tightened and if my son simply tilts his head back it slips right back. Would definitely not protect him if he were to fall. I would have returned but didnt have him tey it on until past my thirty day window.
> 3 dayWayyy better than expected and a lot better than the ones they currently have. I love the black because it’s gender neutral, LOVE how easy it is to adjust the straps, love the chin strap for the little kids. I usually have such a hard time with getting the helmets to fit my kids heads but this was by far the most simple helmet I have owned for my four kids. He said it’s very comfortable and couldn’t be happier Highly recommend!
Liz Dooley
> 3 dayMy 18 month old daughter wears this without a problem.
> 3 dayMy boy loves it