KAMUGO Kids Bike Helmet,Toddler Helmet Adjustable Kids Bicycle Helmet Girls Or Boys Ages 2-8/8-14 Years Old Multi-Sports for Cycling Skateboard Scooter
Tim K.
> 3 dayThe helmet came quickly. It is well made & fits perfectly. My grandson loves it.
Ty McFarland
> 3 dayGreat helmet for my 2 year old who loves to ride his strider bike. We love how adjustable the helmet is. 2 year old doesnt mind wearing it.
> 3 dayPurchased this for my 5yo toddler. It fits very well and seems to be made out of great, sturdy materials. We have two toddlers and weve had a hard time finding helmets where the straps actually fit snug as theyre supposed to. This is the first one weve found that actually fits the way its supposed to - head fit and strap fit. It has room to grow without compromising on fit and safety. So happy we purchased it. Will likely purchase a second for my daughter in the near future.
> 3 dayBought this for my kids for Christmas. After using it only a handful of times, it broke when it dropped. I would assume a helmet would be able to hold up to a fall. I mean…. That’s what it’s for, right? It’s cute but maybe not durable enough to actually keep them safe.
Meredith M
> 3 dayGreat helmet. Took a bit to get adjusted but am Happy with it.
Zachary Pomerantz
> 3 dayI find the front of the helmet slides a bit up on my daughters head so adjustments as needed from time to time.
Jennifer Crist III
> 3 dayLovely helmet
Lucky Jack
> 3 dayWe bought this helmet because it was a good price, and it was blue, like Sonic. That covered the needs of me, the parent, and my daughter, the user. It operates much as a helmet ought. Like other helmets, I won’t know its true value until she actually crashes, but seeing the way she rides her bike, that shouldn’t take too long.
Ms. Camille Labadie IV
> 3 dayIt is lightweight and seems to be built with low quality materials.
Maryellen Holden
> 3 dayThis helmet fits my 2 - year - old grandson perfectly. He has an aversion to some hats so I wasn’t sure how this would go over, but he is fine with it. It is lightweight and apparently comfortable.