Kids Skateboard Bike Helmet Pads Set Protective Gear from Rude Boyz - Knee Pads Elbow Pads Wrist Pads Set for Youth Boys Girls
> 24 hourReally liked the matte finish of the helmet, as it makes it look nicer than the shiny helmets. It is a bit lightweight, but the inside patting seems like it will protect from an impact. My son is almost 4, and he fits in the Medium just fine, as the inside can adjust for a tight fit. Great helmet and pads that should last for years.
> 24 hourI got the medium size set for my 10 year old. Everything fits her just right. She usually is a bit fussy with safety gear, it doesnt look cool, but she didnt mind this set at all. Shes happy with this set and Im happy shes willing to use it. $35 for the whole set is a great price!
> 24 hourI bought this for my 9 year old daughter. The helmet is perfect for her. The ratchet tightener works great to keep it snug. It’s so comfortable that she forgets she’s wearing it. The downside is, nothing else fits her, everything else is too small. The knee pads are about the size her elbow pads should be, the elbow pads are so small the fasteners won’t connect without squeezing her arms so tight that it cuts off blood flow. The wrist guards are about the right size for a 5 year old. If this seller sells the helmet alone, get it. Skip the full set.
> 24 hourGreat product. No complaints. Will update if there are any issues.
Palma Little
> 24 hourI highly recommend this if you have a youngster that likes to skate! The helmet IS adjustable, which is a plus because an ill fitting helmet almost serves no purpose. The knee and elbow pads will certainly save you on band aids and heartache, trust me. The set (so far) is constructed well and the size medium fits as anticipated. This is actually our second set (trying this brand now) in under a year, they grow- so does the equipment. Will update this review if anything is faulty or breaks down in an untimely manner, but for now I am satisfied and the kid is happy!
> 24 hourThe matte finish on this pad set looks really nice. The helmet seems to offer substantial protection, and I appreciate the extra effort taken to make quality straps and to protect the chin as well. Overall a very nice pad set.
Gerzain c.
> 24 hourjusto a la medida de mis peques
pamela Armstrong
> 24 hourThe helmet and pads are very good quality. I have seen some that felt very flimsy and wouldnt protect when the kids fall, but these worl well. My 6 year old is learning to skateboard and the hmet has protected her little head several times without cracking or splintering.
> 24 hourThis is a must need item for kids, I really like the matt black finish. I seems highend, also happy with the quality especially the helmet. It seems the other pieces are pretty big.
> 24 hourThis helmet is great quality and I have confidence that it will protect my son while he rides his bike.