KRIDDO Toddler Balance Bike 2 Year Old, Age 18 Months to 5 Years Old, 12 Inch Push Bicycle with Customize Plate (3 Sets of Stickers Included), Steady Balancing, Gift Bike for 2-3 Boys Girls
Greater than one weekGot this for my granddaughter who just turned two, to get used to the shape and movement of a bicycle. Assembly was OK, instructions were a joke with tiny pictures and unclear instructions, but it was OK. Pretty sturdy metal frame, seat is cheap and very unpadded, handlebars and seat are both adjustable with quick release bolts. Solid tires so no problems with punctures. Overall I rated it four stars, good for the money and will last until shes big enough to graduate to a real bicycle.
Carol Bruckner
Greater than one week2 yr old grandson LOVES this bike without pedals … great for balance
Brianna Robertson
> 3 dayThis is sons favorite bike! He had one before and it broke twice! But this one has been his favorite bike!!! He rides it everyday!
> 3 dayEasy to put together. Easy to lower and raise the seat and handle bars.
> 3 dayI’ve seen bikes like this for kids that are much more like actual bikes. We opened this and its ALL plastic. Returned it. Probably should have read all the details prior to buying but this just wasn’t what I had in mind. Not sturdy enough for a rough toddler.
Shabaz Warda
> 3 dayBest present for a birthday. My grandson refused to get of this bike.
> 3 dayEasy to put together. Rides nicely and he’s learning to balance it and put his feet up.
> 3 dayBought this for my 22 month old son who became obsessed with bikes recently. He is OBSESSED with this and wants to be on it night and day. Hes gotten really good at riding and gliding on it in only a few short weeks. Such a great gift and at a decent price point.
Sandra McGlothlin
> 3 dayMy grandson just loves this bike
Scott Bradley
> 3 dayNice little push bike