Maysuke Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Boys and Girls Gifts, Toddler Bike 10-24 Month First Birthday Gift with 4 Wheels, No Pedal (Green)
> 24 hourMy twin grandbabies are having difficulty learning to walk. This had helped their balance tremendously. Its made sturdy and durable and withstands two one year olds. It has four wheels instead of three for extra balance and walking support. Great choice!
Erin James
> 24 hourMy 18 mo. jumped on this and started scooting right away.
birdly girl
> 24 hourMy youngest grandson, who was just 11mos old this Christmas was the receiver of this trike. His grandfather put it together in no time and his father put him on it. Our mouths dropped open to see him with just his tip toes touching the floor take off on it! My son claims this is his favorite present. It is very sturdy and the wheels just glide so smoothly. Highly recommend this trike for little ones.
> 24 hourNo problems, perfect for my toddler super smooth moving parts so far.
> 24 hourAl Renés 4 ruedas , los pies se chocan con las ruedas y es difícil montar
> 24 hourBalancing bike great for a little kid that you want them to learn how to balance on a level this was brought for my little nephew because he wants to be outside with the big kids riding bike great price and well made
Fletcher Family
> 24 hourVery cute little baby bike. I wouldn’t use it outdoors…the wheels don’t seem durable enough. But for indoor scooting it’s fine! Got it for my one year old but my five year old scoots around on it too, so it’s strong overall. Very easy to assemble.
> 24 hourThis balance bike is amazing. My kids absolutely love it, my son instantly wanted to ride it about the house and same with my daughter. Its very easy to install took me about 5 mins to complete it, the material is pretty sturdy and strong but wont hurt if you tip over, i do wish it was a little slower but great for kids to ride inside or outside honestly.
Sally Boone
> 24 hourThis was easy to assemble and very sturdy for an 18 month old to sit and ride on.
> 24 hourPerfect for helping with balance needed to walk. Ages 1 thru 4 enjoy riding thru the house. A quiet, smooth ride.