OnBros Kids Bike Helmet - Bike Helmet for 5-14 Boys or Girls with Visor, Children Bicycle Helmet for Skateboard Mountain Scooter Road Cycling, Lightweight and Adjustable 50-57CM
James Anderson
> 24 hourAs a parent, safety is always a top priority when it comes to my childs outdoor activities, especially when it involves riding a bike. Thats why I was thrilled to come across this Kids Bike Helmet, which has exceeded my expectations in terms of both quality and design. The helmet fits my childs head perfectly, thanks to the adjustable strap and lightweight material, making it comfortable for them to wear. The added visor also helps protect their eyes from the sun while riding, which is an added bonus. What I love most about this helmet is its durability. Its made with high-quality materials that can withstand accidental drops or impacts. As a bonus, the fun design and color options make it easy to match with my childs bike and other gear. The only downside is that it may not fit all head sizes, so make sure to measure your childs head before purchasing.
Rob Winger
> 24 hourNicer than I was expecting for the price; quality is on par with more expensive name brand kids helmets youd find at a bike shop. My daughter loves the blue-green pattern and is really happy she can operate the buckle on this helmet without assistance. Straps can be adjusted so it fits properly and securely on her head and the dial at the back allows for precise sizing adjustments. She states it is much more comfortable than the her last helmet and likes the padding around the strap under her chin. Its lightweight so she doesnt mind wearing it (she has even forgotten she has it on after getting off her bike and continued to play while wearing it). I was a little surprised it arrived in just a helmet bag inside a the shipping box but less packaging is preferred and it arrived unscathed.
Mr. Aloha
> 24 hourGreat kids (bought for 8 year old girl) bike helmet. Sturdy, lightweight, comfortable, easily adjustable & the sun visor is a nice addition for shielding the sun & potential addition face protection. My kid loves it & the colors on it really pop as well. (Bright blue with neon green visor). Most importantly, it should do the job of protecting the ol’ Noggin! Quality bike helmet. 5 stars!!!
C Mc
> 24 hourThis is a great, well-fitting helmet that can adjust to fit quite a range of heads. Kiddo loves it and I especially like the hard plastic visor at the front for extra protection. Thankful for something I can depend on.
> 24 hourI ordered this for my 9-year-old grandson whose old helmet was getting to the point it really no longer fit his head. The main thing according to my grandson is that it looks cool and his friends like it. He has an electric bike and said this helmet makes him look very cool on his bike. He likes the colors and the helmet gets enough airflow that his head stays cool. Although a little colder in our current colder months, looking cool outweighs being cold. He loves the sun visor and the overall shape of the helmet, he adjusted the helmet to fit his head by simply turning the dial on the back of the helmet. I also checked to ensure I was satisfied with the fit and the dial was very easy to turn. His best friends father ordered this same helmet in a different color and now they are two best friends looking cool on their electric bikes. I will buy this helmet in the near future for my other two grandsons who will eventually need this size helmet. Very very happy with this helmet.
> 24 hourMost of all my grandson loves it! Fits well, he says it fits great. Very happy with this purchase and knowing this helmet is helping keep my lil one safe:)
> 24 hourThe helmet is cute! But most importantly, I like the fit for my son and the adjustable sizing
Erin Medley
> 24 hourI purchased this because my son broke his other one. It was the cheapest and I needed something to get him by until Christmas. It was much better than I expected. He loves the colors and the fit.
Jeffrey Van Wagoner
> 24 hourThis bike helmet is fantastic for kids of all ages. It is comfortable, lightweight, and not to mention very colorful and stylish looking. It appears very sporty and isnt overly bulky or uncomfortable to wear. I like that it has a visor-like look to it that helps with sun protection as well. The chin strap clips nicely, and there is also padding on the chin for extra softness. It fits well and, for the price, is a quality helmet. I would recommend this bike helmet. Five stars.
> 24 hourArrived quickly and can fit on any size head!