Raskullz 3D Characters Child and Toddler Bike Helmets
Margaret B.
Greater than one weekMy three year old loves this helmet but it’s pretty big on her. I had to buy extra pads for the helmet.
Mrs. McDaniel
> 3 dayThis is a great Helmet! Arrived intact, daughter loved it. It had even stood up to a tough toddler without any parts breaking off.
> 3 dayThis helmet is so cute. Its a little bulky but the cute factor makes it worth it. The eyes move around when my daughter moves her head. Not a bad purchase.
> 3 dayMy 3 year boy totally love this. Good protection and reasonable price. It is slightly bigger for a 3 yr, would fit well on a 5 years old.
Ashley Tecklin
17-11-2024My 4 year old son loves this unique helmet!
> 3 dayI bought this helmet for my 3 year old daughter and not only does she love it but so do I! The colors are beautiful and my daughter cant get enough of the googly eyes how they move. Definitely recommend anyone who has a little girl to get this helmet. Thank you!
Mr. Columbus Block
17-11-2024I gave this helmet a 3 stars because of the way I received it. I bought the first one and had to return it due to it missing its attennas and one leg. Im not sure why I didnt take a picture of it first before sending it back. But it had scratches, like it was used before. When returning it, the company gave me specific instructions on how to return it back to them. It said to securely package the item before sending it back. Which I did and then orders another thinking I just received a defective item. But the second was also defective, missing one side of the attenna. I think the reason for it being packaged alone in one box, unsecure.
> 3 dayMy 3 year old son loves this helmet. His favorite colors are red and orange and it has both since there is a little bit of an orange outline around the spots or Scales. It fits great too.
Greater than one weekThis is adorable, exactly as pictured. My 3 year old loves wearing this while riding her scooter.
M. Maginnis
> 3 daySon LOVES this helmet. Hes two 1/2 and I think hes just started to fit into the helmet. Well made accents that dont feel like they will be in the way or break off too easily. very vibrant red.