The Law
> 24 hourThis is a deep but excellent discussion of what the law is for and what it is not for. How Liberty of the individual is a high goal. Government should only be there to stop injustice, nothing more.
Derek Zweig
> 24 hourThe most important idea I took from this book was the potential for a repeating cycle of intervention and coercion which follows the first attempt to improve a specific market. Once it begins, all parties it effects want their own improvements. At least on the surface you cant deny the truth of this in todays U.S. markets. Law does not create wealth, it may only redistribute...this is made very clear by the author. Consider this when thinking of price manipulations (tariffs, subsidies...etc.); who is really benefitting from this? Is it the consumer? This book is not a book on economics but a book on political inefficiencies and failures. Its a very quick read (likely just needs a few dedicated hours). I highly recommend it as an introduction to the logical way to think of politics and the role of government.
Hasmig Parseghian
> 24 hourThe first 560 pages is a novel authored by L.S. The last 48 pages are written by F. Bastiat. Holding a heavy book to read only 48 pages is an unpleasant experience. 2 books in one, a distasteful joke for serious readers.
Dragon Fly
> 24 hourWas a bit wordy but was able to pick out the important parts. Very interesting information and when compared to what is happening today it is easy to see how the LAW has been used to suppress and corrupt our lives rather than support us the way it should. Marked sections to review for further comparison to things in the News today.
Deb & Mike
> 24 hourIs the law a sword or a shield? What is the limiting principle of Government? Bastiat considers these weighty topics and presents the views of many other great thinkers thoughtfully and concisely. Easy read yet extremely thought provoking. Highly recommend for everyone.
> 24 hourI have not reread it yet but I remember liking it very much. It is philosophical. It is foundational to understanding America as it was intended to be and not what lawyers have made it into.
Ilya Shutman
> 24 hourWritten nearly two centuries ago, this book is as relevant now as it was at the time of writing. Whether you agree or disagree with Bastiats point of view, this is a great pamphlet to read. It is short, well-structured, and strikingly clear and straightforward. If you want to read just one book on politics and economics, read this one and you wont regret it. If you agree with the book, it will give you one of the strongest arguments to defend your position. If you disagree with the book, it will give you plenty of food for thought. For most of history the law of the land had some religious backing. This is no longer true in the modern world, and this is where Bastiat picks up his argument. The first question that he tries to answer : if not God, what is the source from which the law derives its authority? Bastiats answer: the authority comes from the people, the individuals. But if you derive your authority from individuals, rather than deity, then the limitations of those individuals define boundaries beyond which the law cannot be applied. Ask yourself two questions: is every human being born with a right of being an individual? and should the right of one person being an individual supercede the same right of another? Bastiat answers yes to the first and no to the second and thats where the pamphlet begins. This idea at the core of the book: the law that is based on the power of individuals has limitations. Bastiat speaks mostly of economic violations of that rule - the legal plunder. Those who lived in the next century could point to something far graver - millions of lives taken by socialist tyrants, all within the framework of the law. While some would object that violence against a persons property is not the same as violence against the persons life and liberty, Bastiat argues that the two are related. Towards the end of the book the author makes another important observation: the arrogance of the social engineers is not a consequence of their status or their actions - its a prerequisite. Through a number of examples (and that number only increased in the years since the book was written) Bastiat shows how those who attempt to mold manking through laws view themselves as a breed apart from the rest of humanity. Many things were said about hubris of lawmakers, but few are as logical and eloquent. Plenty of books were written on the topic since and many arguments made on both sides of the divide. Why The Law? First, its one thing to know that the argument against uncontrolled legislation is decades old, its quite another to actually observe the same argument made decades ago. Second, some can write a book that appeals to their contemporaries, but only a few can write a book that transcends their time. Bastiat is one of the latter. Finally, this book is short, well-structured, clear, straightforward, thought-provoking, and as relevant now as it was 160 years ago. Read it, and see for yourself.
Samara Homenick
> 24 hourOne of the best books Ive ever read. Bastiat highlighted in 1849 the exact plights and issues of our time in regard to the collusion of special interests and government to the detriment of us all. Bastiat also in this short work defines man in the pursuit of life, liberty and property and makes the most succinct and effective arguments against socialism then and now. A life-changing book. If every American or human being on Earth were aware of the information in this book the world would be a much different place, a much better place. I cant recommend the book too much!
E. Johnson
> 24 hourIm amazed when I read this type of material that mans inhumanity to man is nothing new. It may change its name or be less or more violent but as humans, we always seem to organize in one of two ways. Those that want to tell others how to live and those that prefer self-direction. Bastiat makes the case that socialism/communism/marxism/statism, whatever you want to call it, has been around well over 200 years now. It hits the same stumbling blocks now as it did then. If youre looking for something that supports the argument that social governance vs. free government is wrong from a historical perspective, youll find some support here.
Truth Be Told
> 24 hourIt is unfortunate that society today has strayed so far from the principles of limited government and as a result we are slowly losing our liberty. The protection of our freedom is paramount in Bastiats call to arms(by casting ignorance aside)against those who would inflict socialisms shackles upon people. Such is the delusion today, one that seeks to spread the wealth while damning us all to support those with vested interests & entitlements. Bastiat states, Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place. Law DOES NOT create justice. The role of law is to prevent injustice. Today, Bastiats words ring true, There will be fighting at the door of the Legislative Palace, and the struggle within will be no less furious. Our public education has an agenda and it seems to run counter to this book. All we have to do is look at the quality of the students education of today compared to those who were taught before public schools were fully implemented in this country. Sadly lacking to say the least considering the fact that our literacy rate is deplorable compared to the 1800s. Few Harvard graduates today could have entered the Harvard freshman class in the 1600s! *Harvard students then entered college at 16yrs. of age, graduating around 18 or 19! The college graduation requirements back then far exceed the requirements of today. THE LAW should be required reading in every college, unfortunately, due to the political intent of many a university this will probably not occur any time soon. We live in an interesting time, where, with the click of a mouse a question may be answered. Sadly the questions weighing heavily upon the minds of many of our youth lack the gravity of our current situation. More importantly, it shows ignorance or complete disregard for what our forefathers and so many others like Bastiat have established. People with complete lack of regard are enjoying the very fruits of their labor, while allowing the luxury of freedom to slip from our grasp. Bastiats THE LAW is a timeless read that can be easily digested in a day. I strongly recommend this translated edition by Dean Russell. Compare these two translations: Feb 6, 2009 edition from Seven Treasures Publications: Existence, faculties, assimilation - in other words, personality, liberty, property - this is man. It is of these three things that it may be said, apart from all the demagogue subtlety, that they are anterior and superior to all human legislation. Dean Russell translation: Life, faculties, production - in other words, individuality, liberty, property - this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. Keeping a positive attitude he said, And now the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: may they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgement of faith in God and His works. If Bastiat were alive today he would shudder at what has become of his beloved homeland and stare in disbelief at what is becoming of ours. *TEACHING THE TRIVIUM by Harvey & Laurie Bluedorn