Yvolution Y Velo Junior Toddler Balance Bike 9 Inch Wheel No-Pedal Training Bicycle for Kids Boys Girls Age 18 Months to 2,3,4 Years
> 3 dayEasy to assemble and sturdy with height options for the seat and handle bar.
22-11-2024My 2 year old loves this bike. He seriously out runs his older brothers with it. Unfortunately he was going down our street and the back wheel broke completely off. Its not even a year old! Not a happy mama!
> 3 dayWe’ve had this for about 6 months now and my son (2) is still just as obsessed with it as he was on day one. It’s so little and lightweight that it’s super easy to throw in the trunk or backseat and take it with us everywhere. The adjustable seat ensures that he will be able to continue riding as he grows.
> 3 dayMy son loves this and it’s easy to balance!
Kari Heller Sr.
> 3 dayI like the size of the bike, it was perfect for my 3 year old granddaughter. Its the perfect height and weight for her.
Lynnette McCarthy
> 3 dayMy 2 year old enjoys riding this bike and it’s super easy to handle and helps with balance! Lightweight and easy to clean. Very quiet for riding indoors too!
Kelly Brown
> 3 dayBought for Grandsons birthday.
> 3 dayNot only did I buy one, I bought two! They were perfect for my two kids that really love them!
> 3 dayOur toddler loves this bike, we just transitioned it to one wheel in the back which was super easy to do (keep the instructions). Two cons for us is the seat bolt works its way loose every few weeks so you will need to ensure its tightened every now and then. Our biggest complaint is how wide the bike tire fork (where the tire attaches) our kiddo has to adjust his riding style so he doesnt hit his ankles on the back pieces.
M. Selent
> 3 dayPerfect for my little girl. She got it for her 2nd birthday and was able to ride it right away. I did a lot of research before purchasing. This was one of the shorter bikes I could find and I love the back wheel options.