Yvolution Y Velo Senior Balance Bike Trainging Bicycle 12 No Pedal Push Bicycle for Kids Ages 3-5 Years Old.
Carlos A.
22-11-2024Easy to assemble and ready to go!
Angel M
> 3 dayAwesome little bike. Did not take too long to put together. My little one is is loving it. She’s almost 3 and the fit is just right. You can adjust the bike as she get a bit bigger. Overall great solid bike.
> 3 dayThese bikes last for years, they’re super nice. Just upgraded from the 9 inch to the 12 inch for our 3 year old.
> 3 dayGreat value for the money!
Janyyce Hampton67
> 3 dayNow, I really really Love this lil bicycle for my grand son, who Loves it sooooo much, a wonderful gift! Thank you seller!
Carey W.
> 3 dayWe started my 8 year old daughter on a bicycle with training wheels at about age 4. She didnt learn how to ride without them until she was 7. We bought this for my 2 year old. She was balancing with her feet off the ground within a month or two. At age 3 1/2, she is now asking for a bigger bike with pedals!
Kelli Wilkinson
> 3 dayEasy to assemble! Nice bike
annette braud
> 3 dayThis is a Christmas gift for my granddaughter
Elizabeth Roberts
> 3 dayBest 4th birthday gift ever. My kid keeps saying I love you so much mom.. its the best bike. I feel bad for not getting for his 3rd birthday or even before.
Prof. Celestine Smitham Jr.
> 3 dayBought this for 2 year old and it helped him learn how to ride a bike by age 3! Great first bike and didn’t need training wheels! Every kid should start with this 10/10 recommend