AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core, 16-Thread Unlocked Desktop Processor with Wraith Prism LED Cooler
> 24 hourProduit fidèle à la description arriver a la date prévue
Cara Koepp
> 24 hourGut
> 24 hourIntel Core i7 4930Kから乗り換えです。
Jamie Yang
> 24 hourVery good and strong cpu. But it is prone to overheating even at idle without any load on the cpu. I experienced a couple crashes with the stock heatsink that came with the CPU and the highest temp the cpu reached was 90 degrees Celsius. I suggest everyone get a AIO water cooled heatsink as it does a very good job at keeping the temp down to a minimum. I got mine down to 30-33 degrees at idle and 40-45 while gaming and 50 under heavy load. If you’re on a budget on AIO. A single fan AIO will work just but but the bigger the radiator and more fans. The better the cooling it would be. I’m running a Lian Li GALAHEAD AIO 360 and it’s doing great.
> 24 hourWell, it has the speed I need and more! Crazy fast.
Roekens Vincent
> 24 hourSuper
> 24 hourRyzen7自体はコスパがいいCPUだと思います。ゲームだけをするんだったらいらないですが、動画編集や、配信を快適にできるCPUです。また、RTX2070以上のGPUを積む場合はこのCPUのほうがGPUの性能を最大まで引き出してくれます。Apex,PUBG,R6S,HyperScapeをやりながらの配信は余裕で1080p60FPSです。また、ゲームの性能はApexで、平均200FPS,PUBGは平均144FPS,R6Sで平均230FPSでした。ただこの数値に関しては設定でいらない部分は下げている結果です。最高品質にしてApexはほぼ120FPSごえ、PUBG120FPS、R6Sは144FPSです。リテールクーラーのファンの音ですが、回転モードをHighにした時です。Lowの時は静かですがゲーム時には80℃に達する場合があります。
ludovic philippe Maitre
> 24 hourChulada la verdad no se cansa el procesador para nada
> 24 hourI7-8700から乗り換えて初めてのAMD商品でしたが、3ヶ月程使って今のところ不具合なく安定して動いてくれています。
> 24 hourDid a lot of research on processors to replace my Intel 4790k so I could play MS Flight Sim. Paired with a nice mobo, Ive been very happy with this processor - for the price it has very good performance. I had an AMD machine 20 years ago and was leery b/c it wasnt very stable, but they really have it all together now and give Intel a run for their money. I would gladly buy this processor again and recommend it to anyone looking for a powerful processor at a more reasonable price.