Besttravel Kids Helmet, Toddler Helmet Adjustable Toddler Bike Helmet Ages 3-8 Years Old Boys Girls Multi-Sports Safety
Janet G. Herlihy
> 3 dayThis helmet seems to be sturdy but hard to say when my grandson has not fallen or hit it on anything. It has extra padding inside and there is a way to make it larger or smaller by adjusting it. I do think additional vents would be good as he is always hot and sweaty when we take it off.
Anthony Esparza
> 3 dayIt looks great and my kids barely used it since we bought it . We have stored it in the house and today when my two year old attempted to put it on , he brought it to me completely apart . Not safe … barely used and handled nicely and it still popped apart . Cheap product
> 3 dayIts a great purchase son was happy with color fit and everything. Came right on time too.
> 3 dayGot it for my four year old and her new roller blades. Very durable and fits well. We have been decorating it in cool stickers since we got it. She loves it
Ronny Acosta
> 3 dayNormally my daughter refuses to wear her helmet but with this helmet, it fit her perfectly. There is some wiggle room which will allow her to grow into it. However, the straps were really easy to adjust and never came loose while she was riding her bike or scooter. The straps really did help keep her helmet in place. What Im really happy about is the straps dont cut in to her face or rub her skin till its red and raw. The fabric on the straps is fairly soft and allows her to play for hours with her siblings. The best part is this doesnt have any paintings or character pictures on it so it makes her feel as though shes a big girl, considering shes the baby. Since we all have helmets that look like this, shes more eager to wear it now. Easy to clean and she has fallen several times and has definitely protected her head.
Clara faulk
> 3 dayMy granddaughter love it
Mary G
> 3 dayVery well made helmet. It is also adjustable so it grows with your child
> 3 dayMy 4 year old great nephew is using it when he rides his scooter. Its lightweight the outer shell is hard enough to protect his head. Cushions inside keeps it steady and the latch is not directly under his chin which he didnt like about his other helmet.
> 3 dayPerfect gift for my niece, she loved it !!
Michelle Peterson
> 3 dayna