Chillafish Charlie Lightweight Toddler Balance Bike with Carry Handle, Adjustable Seat and Handlebar, Puncture-Proof 10-inch Wheels and Custom Molded seat, for Kids Ages 18-48 Months, Black
> 3 dayI can’t stand the wheels on this thing, they are a slippery foam type thing. My kids don’t want to get on it because it is too slippery.
Greater than one weekI bought this item for my 2 year old. It was easy to assemble and light weight.. My 2 year old can pick it up by herself.. She was able to take off on it by herself within 2 days. It is one of her favorite toys. It has taught her balance and feet coordination. I highly recommend this item. My 2 year old absolutely loves it.
Greater than one weekEasy to put together, the lights work.Its all around a great gift.
> 3 dayCute bike for the price. Plus, It only took 5 minutes to assemble by myself. Wheels light up!
> 3 dayBuy this over a strider any day
Joe Villela
> 3 dayJust recieved, soon as I opened the package I realized the HARD plastic tires. Frame, look, size, and setup is perfect. Tire choice killed it all. My daughter hoped on it first thing and as soon as she hit ANY hard surface... slipped and fell over. Terrible choice of tire material. Makes this good product completely useless except on carpet floors. Very dissapointed.