Chillafish Charlie Lightweight Toddler Balance Bike with Carry Handle, Adjustable Seat and Handlebar, Puncture-Proof 10-inch Wheels and Custom Molded seat, for Kids Ages 18-48 Months, Black
> 3 dayThis really exceeded our expectations. Very durable, easy to assemble, and easy for toddler to use. Love it and cant wait to see how this helps our little one learn to use a bike.
> 3 dayThe wheels do not light up! They are just little colored plastic pieces. So the description and the video is just a flat out lie. Also the tires are just hard plastic. You get what you pay for I guess.
> 3 dayWe bought this bike for our three year old great grandson. He absolutely loves it. He has worn the rubber off of the tires because he rides it so much. We have actually bought him a 12 inch bike for Christmas and birthday coming up. I would like to know if you can buy replacement tires for the 10 inch bike so please let me know.
Todd Heflin
> 3 dayNephew will grow into it.
> 3 dayI bought this item for my 2 year old. It was easy to assemble and light weight.. My 2 year old can pick it up by herself.. She was able to take off on it by herself within 2 days. It is one of her favorite toys. It has taught her balance and feet coordination. I highly recommend this item. My 2 year old absolutely loves it.
> 3 dayLove the bike. My son is slowly learning how to balanced. Great sturdy construction, however, the hardware used for the bike is a little “soft”. I went to make an adjustment to the seat height and using the Allen wrench provided the screw head was easily stripped. So I’ll have to drill it out and replace it with something else. Other than that, sweet bike!
christine ann
21-11-2024Perfect for 2-4 year old. Easy to put together
Angela B
21-11-2024We should have bought new. It would have been easy to assemble but a nut was missing so Birthday girl had to wait for daddy to run to the hardware store before she could ride her new bike.
> 3 dayMy 2yr old son loves it was perfect height
> 3 dayWorks great for a little bike. My son loves it and is easy to use! Worth the price. Great product!