KAMUGO Kids Adjustable Helmet, Suitable for Toddler Kids Ages 2-14 Boys Girls, Multi-Sport Safety Cycling Skating Scooter Helmet
Roy Cormier
> 3 dayOddly shaped helmet that just doesnt fit. We ordered this for our five year old girl who is petite. The helmet isnt long so it doesnt cover the ears and give support. This makes it t difficult so it moves around while we ski even when it is tight under her chin.
> 3 dayThis helmet is very sturdy and comfortable for my grandson. It is much more lightweight than many other helmets but gets good ratings for safety. Most important is that it is comfortable, stays put on his head without tilting so he can see where he is going and he will wear it! Got the orange for good visibility.
> 3 dayIts a nice set up. My son likes it and is wearing it. Seems to hold up only have had it for 3 weeks.
> 3 dayGot this one for our son, worked great, so have now purchased this for our daughter. Easily adjustable and built like a tank. Only complaint is that it scratches somewhat easily, but my kids arent particularly gentle with them. Comfort? Well all I can say is that when my kids are done with bikes and scooters they leave it on without thinking about it.
L. blink
> 3 dayThis came with a bag for storage and has an adjustment on the back so you dont need to replace pads for sizing. The quality seems great! My 3yr old can take it off and put it on with little adult help. And it fits him great!
> 3 dayExactly as described. I
Edwardo E.
> 3 dayLike the light weight and easy on/off objective
Greater than one weekSecond one we have bought from you. Its a great helmet!
> 3 dayGood child helmet. Not a toy. Feels solid. Good price.
> 3 daySturdy, light weight and super cute. Love the color selection. I got a purple and a red one and the kids love both.