KAMUGO Kids Adjustable Helmet, Suitable for Toddler Kids Ages 2-14 Boys Girls, Multi-Sport Safety Cycling Skating Scooter Helmet
Brooke Reber
Greater than one weekThis is a great helmet and sturdy, but I would not recommend for ages 2-4. Way too large and therefore not safe for that age group.
20-11-2024Yes for durability and not to heavy on the head fits well.
> 3 daySeems to fit well and my three year old wears it with no problem so far... The only issue right now is that it scratches easily. My son wore it for the first time today and went in the backyard with it on and came back with scratches on it.
> 3 dayFits well and lightweight
Greater than one weekMy 2 year old love her scooter and is always going fast. She never used to like wearing the helmet and it was always a fight until we got her this one. This is the only helmet so far she has kept on and never complains about it. Love it so far.
> 3 dayThe helmet seems quite sturdy and fits very nicely. The helmet has a knob at the back of the head that you can turn to tighten and loosen the head harness. This is great for getting the right fit. I like how the helmet is smooth and plain. It leaves lots of room for personalization for kids with stickers. My kid doesnt mind wearing it, which is a victory in my book.
L. blink
22-11-2024This came with a bag for storage and has an adjustment on the back so you dont need to replace pads for sizing. The quality seems great! My 3yr old can take it off and put it on with little adult help. And it fits him great!
> 3 dayThis helmet fit perfectly. Very easy to adjust to childs head and easy for child to do themselves. This will reassure that you can find a helmet to fit a young child head since all are different sizes.
> 3 dayThis helmet is very sturdy and comfortable for my grandson. It is much more lightweight than many other helmets but gets good ratings for safety. Most important is that it is comfortable, stays put on his head without tilting so he can see where he is going and he will wear it! Got the orange for good visibility.
> 3 dayGot this one for our son, worked great, so have now purchased this for our daughter. Easily adjustable and built like a tank. Only complaint is that it scratches somewhat easily, but my kids arent particularly gentle with them. Comfort? Well all I can say is that when my kids are done with bikes and scooters they leave it on without thinking about it.