LAVA SPORT Balance Bike - Lightweight Aluminium Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls - No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and Seat, EVA Tires - Training Bike
> 3 dayThis balance bike is just perfect for two year olds to learn the ins and outs of bikes and balance!
Danielle g.
Greater than one weekEasy to assemble, easy to adjust. Great toddler “ do it myself” bike
Torrey Hahn
> 3 dayI bought two of these balance bikes for my 4 year old twins for their birthday. They absolutely love them!! They ride around in the house all day. We also take them to the park. They are super light which makes it easy to take anywhere! These were the best thing I bought them so worth the money. Their aunt bought them police sirens to attach to the front of the bikes which made them super cool!
Kylie M.
> 3 dayGuys I love this bike. I got one for my 4 year old and my 1.5 year old. It’s still alittle big for the 1.5 year old but I have the seat as low as it goes and she already has the hang of it. She can carry it when she needs to and it’s just a great little bike. I’m happy I spent the money I did on this rather than going for the name brands
Emily Day
> 3 dayMy daughter is 22 months and wanted a bike like her brother. This one was perfect! Super light weight and short (but will obviously grow with her the next couple years). It is light enough she will carry it around. She loves it! I would highly recommend it. And their customer service was quick and helpful when I forgot to take the plastic part to allow the seat to go lower.
> 3 dayLight weight
Kevin C Norton
> 3 dayWe were extremely upset when we opened the bike and the seat had a tear on it, however I did email the vendor immediately and I want to say I am very impressed. They were prompt with an apology and did make a refund to the torn bike seat. I originally I gave a terrible review out of pure frustration, so I am glad to see this company does care about its customers. My daughter does love this bike so I will be supporting them in future needs for my other kids.
Nina Lindgren
Greater than one weekMy daughter is a very tiny 20 months and at the lowest seat position this is perfect for her to walk flat footed. It is very light weight as well. I had a strider bike for my older son and was planning to get one for my daughter, however, the price has more than doubled in the last few years. I had paid a little more than $40 for his. This balance bike is just as good, if not better. No need to hesitate to buy it. My husband and 6 year old had any easy time putting the bike together for her.
Nick faylor
> 3 dayGreat starter bikes
Dr. Jayde Schaefer I
> 3 dayGreat tool for kids learning balance on bikes.