LAVA SPORT Balance Bike - Lightweight Aluminium Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls - No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and Seat, EVA Tires - Training Bike
Levi Jacobs
17-11-2024Great bike for my daughter.
Ross McCracken
> 3 dayLoved how light weight it is
Tracy Smith
> 3 dayLove this bike. My 2 year old is pretty small compared to other kids her age and she fits perfect on this bike. Plus it is SO light so she can pick it up super easy!
Richard S. Wyatt
> 3 dayHeavy duty adjustable seat. Great for learning balance to get ready for a peddle bike
> 3 dayBoth of my kids have this bikes, we love them. My son is 3 and my daughter is 20 months. We are very happy with them.
> 3 dayVery good for my 3 year old that cannot yet use pedals
Travis Antoniewicz
Greater than one weekHave not put it through the paces but so far this thing looks sharp and is nice and light.
Minnesotan Hockey Man
> 3 dayMy 2.5 year old daughter loves it and always wants to ride it. She gets going and lifts her feet to coast. Fun to watch. Really good quality and incredibly light.
> 3 dayI bought this for my 2.5 y.o. grandson. It has been well used from day one with rapid improvement on his ability to ride this balance bike. It is lightweight, has an adjustable seat and puncture proof tires. The geometry makes it easy for him to mount, use his feet and glide. The Aluminum frame will keep it good looking for years. I think this is an excellent buy and know my grandson may well be ready to move to a regular bike before or just after his 3rd birthday. He loves it!!
ayana brody
> 3 dayeasy to assemble, plus it is light weight my 2yo can carry his own bike.