Nickelodeon Kids Paw Patrol and Blues Clues & You Bike Helmet, Multi-Sport, Multiple Colors
> 3 dayCute light way helmet fit my 5 year old perfect straps were easy to adjust to fit her properly and now it matches her new paw patrol bike
Greater than one weekGreat value for money. The graphics are colorful and attractive. Kids love it! Its also sturdy but light weight. Great for a 3-year old.
> 3 dayThis helmet is very cute. In order for it to fit my 2 1/2 year old grandson I had to remove the adjustment system. It was easy enough to do as it’s only attached with Velcro. It would not go down on his head with that insert even adjusting it to the largest size. I was going to return it until I figured out that I could remove the adjusting insert. Fits fine now.
> 3 dayOrdered small for my granddaughter but when arrived sized for a 4 or 5 year old. A bit large even with adjustable strap.
> 3 dayThis is a great helmet and SO adorable! Our 3 year old loves it and was so excited to get it as a present. The colors are super vibrant. In comparison to a helmet we bought in a store for our older daughter, and compared to other “toddler” helmets in that same store, this helmet is a great option. It is just as sturdy and well made as the one we purchased for ages 5-7. What we really like is that this will accommodate 3-5 year olds with larger heads, as it has the turn dial feature that adjusts the tightness. Most of the 3-5 age helmets in the store at the same price point were a fixed size and were therefore too small for our daughter. Definitely consider if your little one loves Paw Patrol!
Lakerry stuart
> 3 dayalthough my son rarely wears it, since he uses this mostly indoors, but its a good helmet & fits well.
Ms. Melody Shields
Greater than one weekWe are trying to contact seller to return. Have to my daughter for her birthday. Since straps came off on her head and will now not go in right. Cute helmet but cannot use. Can someone contact us so we and return and be refunded? Thank you in advance!
michael B. gatewood
> 3 dayColor
Kiarra Cormier
> 3 dayThis did not fit my 4 year old son who has a pet small head. It runs very small.
Beatrice Jolene Jackson
> 3 dayI bought this as a gift for my friends son. He loves it. Fits perfectly and is sturdy.