Nickelodeon Kids Paw Patrol and Blues Clues & You Bike Helmet, Multi-Sport, Multiple Colors
> 3 dayOrdered small for my granddaughter but when arrived sized for a 4 or 5 year old. A bit large even with adjustable strap.
Taylor Logsdon
> 3 dayIt fit smaller than expected so unfortunately didn’t fit his head, he is a 3t for size reference
Ashley Elizabeth Lopatka
> 3 dayThis is a very nice bike helmet but it runs small. The sizing claims to for children 3-5 but this is much more appropriate for kids up to 3. My sons is 3 & a bit bigger for his age, but other brands helmets 3-5 fit him just fine.
Elizabeth Mason
> 3 day5 year old granddaughter loves this helmet. It is adjustable so I am happy will be able to use it while she grows
> 3 dayI bought this helmet for my grandson to use with a tricycle he got for Christmas and he loves it! He is only 1, but he has a large head ;-). Im sure he will get a few years out of it. He thinks he looks very cool and wears it even when he isnt on the trike.
21-11-2024My 2year old love it
Jess Richards
> 3 dayThis helmet is a great buy! My 3 year old was very fussy having her old helmet on as it was heavy and uncomfortable. This one she loves to wear as it’s light and when tightened fully to fit she’s happy with it. Very good price and so far a very good helmet that has saved my little ones head!
> 3 dayMy son love this. This is his first helmet for riding his bike. It’s so comfortable to him. He fell down some times while learning his bike , this helmet saved his head getting hurt. Very tough from outside and comfortable inside.
> 3 dayThis helmet is great size, adjustable, great protection for my 3 year old.
Willie Schaden
19-11-2024This helmet is so cute, light weight and my son was so excited about it. However, he has quite a good size head and it didn’t fit him, even on the biggest setting. We will have to return. If it would have fit him, it would have been a 5 star all around.