Yvolution 4 in 1 Toddler Trike Y Velo Flippa Push Tricycle Toddler Balance Bike with Parent Steering Push Handle for Boys Girls 2-5 Years Old
Sam A.
> 3 dayThis product is awesome. My little guys likes to be pushed on the trike mode and hopefully will soon start pedaling. The steering handle assist is the best part of this gift as you can push and steer the bike lie pushing a stroller. Hard to assemble to read wheels into trike mode. I had to get some tools and really push. It goes back to bike mode with a click of the red button as it should, but getting back to trike mode is tricky.
Monique Wright
> 3 dayMy kid has ASD (Autism) and this bike has many different functions. It allows me to push him or he can paddle or cruise. That’s important because he can properly gain skills.
Bailee Mraz
> 3 dayI bought this for my 2 yr old great grandson. My granddaughter said he loves it and wants to ride it every day. She has to peel him off the bike even after one day walking with him on the bike for 2 miles. This is his very favorite activity. Still after 3 months he wants to ride every day! Luckily she lives in Arizona where the weather permits.
> 3 dayIt was really easy except the back wheels you have to do just right to get it to turn into a tricycle. Other than that it’s amazing
22-11-2024This is built solidly and is easy enough to assemble/convert. My only gripe is that I didnt gather/realize/understand that the pedals wouldnt be reachable for a kit at the small end of the size scale. My daughter is slightly tall for her 2.5 years, and cant reach the pedals well enough to ride it like a trike. Which my 4 y/o can do just fine. Its great that they have little foldable footrests, because we are essentially using it in stroller mode until the legs grow out on the small kit.
Greater than one weekThis bike was easy to assemble, although as some others have mentioned, I did struggle a tiny bit turning the wheels from balance bike into trike mode. My only recommendation or downfall is that it’s not adjustable height wise - which for my petite toddler is a little bit of a downfall. He is 3, but on the smaller side, so the pedals are too far for him to reach. If the seat could move forward/backward or the body of the bike could adjust up or down that would help for this bike to fit kiddos of more ages and sizes. It’s great quality though, beautiful color, we look forward to growing into it!!!
Norma S
> 3 dayAfter an extensive research on which bike/tricycle we should invest in for our daughter, this was the one! My daughter absolutely loves this bike. She is 14 months old (32inches tall)she is sitting so comfortably. The bike itself is so sturdy, great quality and was so easy to assemble. I highly recommend it.
> 3 dayWhen we open the box on Xmas eve a piece fell out. After putting the bike together we realized that screw was missing its cap. The bike was easy to assemble but cap is needed to keep screw in place.
> 3 dayMy 2 yr old grand daughter and her parents love this bike.She is 32 inches tall and cannot quite reach to peddle but she loves being pushed along .Her parents love that the push handle actually controls the steering. I did have to go to you-tube for a little help with the back wheels and was able to put it together in just a few minutes.
Baby J
> 3 dayIt’s nice to have the combo, but for the size they need to be to ride this to reach petals and actual weight to push them... it would have been better to buy cheap tricycle and a cheap ride on. My 2 1/2 year old can’t really push these pedals well and lost interest quickly. Encouraging him to use it he finally was able to push them, but was not able to pedal like he could on the tricycle I ended up buying him that was cheap and lighter to be able to ride to the park. My kids is very strong, just it’s so thick and heavy harder to pedal. Maybe it would have been better at 3.