Yvolution 4 in 1 Toddler Trike Y Velo Flippa Push Tricycle Toddler Balance Bike with Parent Steering Push Handle for Boys Girls 2-5 Years Old
Emilie Caulfield
> 3 dayThis trike caught my eye because it looked a lot more robust than the radio flyer. I had an okay time assembling the trike though it was not easy to figure out how to unfold the wheels to be in the tricycle mode. My daughter loves it. I am happy to say that we have really enjoyed this so far. My biggest complaint is that the bike seat was missing along with another small part that is seen in the manual. In addition the clear plastic that covers the front wheel was cracked and there was a small ding in the paint on the front. I will need to paint it to make sure it doesn’t cause any rust issues.
> 3 dayBest contraption for taking my 3 yo on diet paths or around neighborhood. Main thing is I can steer it.
> 3 dayThis bike is awesome! My daughter is 20 months and absolutely loves being pushed around on it. Very good product at a great price. It’ll last for years as it grows with her. Highly recommend
> 3 dayOnce assembled, it’s really going to be a nice bike. YouTube has the best instructions for assembly. I would have given it five stars if the instructions would have been any better.
Adriana Bidegain
> 3 dayLa mejor compra que he realizado! Lo utilizamos mucho, es liviano, pravtico y cómodo.
> 3 dayIt took a good amount of investigation and YouTube search to understand how to flip the wheel to make it a trike. The instructions needs a review and should be improved. Rest is good so far.
Zeinab Schwen
> 3 dayExcellent trike. It’s just that my toddlers legs are not long enough to peddle. I wish the seat was adjustable to come forward a little bit fir her to reach the peddle. Otherwise the future versatility is super.
> 3 dayI ordered this for my grandson who is 16mos old. HE LOVES IT!! They have used it in their house, outside on the driveway and in the grass. So easy to push and steer. The child just sits and enjoys until they are old enough to start maneuvering and learning how to do it on their own. The push handle for the adults steers the trike. It is really an awesome engineered tricycle.
Harlee S.
> 3 dayThis little bike has been so fun for my toddler! He cant quite reach the pedals yet, but he rests his feet on the provided rests. So many things thought through about this product. We love being able to push him around the neighborhood.
> 3 dayI really like the bike but there are 3 things I don’t. I wish there was a back rest, or at least an option to buy a back rest. The other issue is converting the wheels, needs a bit of a redesign to where you don’t have hit the top of the wheel down just to unlock and move the wheel. The last is, no cup holder for the handlebars. Other then that, it’s a great bike, easy to push with the bar and it rolls very nice. Our daughter loves it, but she also wants a cup holder for the handlebars, I gotta find one.