BELL Frozen Toddler Bike 3D Tiara Helmet (3-5 years), Toddler 3D Tiara (7068215)
Shakia W.
> 3 dayI know its not the sellers fault, but the size was not accurate. My niece just turned 4. I think her head is the average size for a 4 yr old. It was too small. I then tried it on my niece, but it was too small for her too.
Ernie fonseca
> 3 dayWe purchased this helmet to go along with her frozen bike. The size of this helmet fits perfectly for our 3 year old. We had to put the strap on as tight as it could go. But once we did that it fit her perfectly. My daughter just had her 3 year old well-ness check up and her height and weight was at 50 percentile. Completely average for a 3 year old. My 7 year old wants this helmet so bad!. Im completely happy with this purchase.
> 3 dayWe love these for our twin girls 4 years old when they are learning how to ride a bike!! Good value for the money
> 3 dayBought this helmet and Elsa and Anna Big Wheel bike for my 2 year old grand daughter. Now she has the same as her big sister. They love them!!!
Katherine Croft
> 3 dayThis helmet fits my 3 and a half year old perfectly. Stays on her and seems like its keeping her safe. She is delighted and she would sleep with it on if we let her. This is a great product!
José Luis Santiago
> 3 dayEs un casco ligero, requiere que se mantenga protección con el material afilado de la corona de plástico
Tonya F.
Greater than one weekMy little girl absolutely loves her Princess Helmet, as she calls it!! It fits her great and does not hurt her head like others she has had before. Its so freaking cute too!!
Kori S.
> 3 dayI gave 2 stars because ppearance wise, this is a very nice helmet. It comes complete with the Elsa tiara, which my daughter loved. However, there is no way this helmet is built to fit the average head of a 3 to 5 year old child. My 3 year old child is on the smaller size with a small to average sized head and we couldn’t even get the helmet on her. For visual example for sizing I used our Amazon firestick remote to show just how small this helmet is. This MIGHT fit a child under the age of 2 years old at best. We have begun the process to return this item and will be purchasing another helmet elsewhere. I wish I would have read more reviews on this product as I can see now that clearly, this is an on going issue and that many others have had this same issue.
Christopher Williams
Greater than one weekIt was exactly what my Granddaughter loves. The Color and picture animation.
Becky B.
> 3 dayOur daughter loved the helmet. They definitely run small as she is not quite three and is wearing the size for five year plus.