BELL Frozen Toddler Bike 3D Tiara Helmet (3-5 years), Toddler 3D Tiara (7068215)
Candy H
> 3 dayIt was a present for my granddaughters birthday to go with her frozen bike
> 3 daySeemed like a good helmet when it came in the mail. The little girl it was gifted to was very excited to have it. Seemed to fit accurately.
Gerald E. Fought
Greater than one weekThe helmet was for a birthday gift and it is too small for our granddaughter and her birthday was the 16th so it is after the return date.
> 3 dayExcelente
Mindful Buyer
> 3 dayPurchased for my 3 year old daughter for her birthday along with her tricycle. Fits well with the elastic strap in the back. However, I do prefer my sons style of helmet that has a turn dial in the back to adjust it. Like I said, it fits her well but looks huge on her... very large profile unlike my sons Bell helmet. She loves the Frozen design!
Kevin Hoyt
> 3 dayI feel like the helmet doesnt cover alot of my daughters head like the pictures advertise.
> 3 dayI got the size 5-8yo for my 4.5 year old. I read other reviews about the 3-5yr size being too small, so Im glad I sized up. It fits her quite snuggly, so I cant imagine itll last too long as she grows. I wish it was adjustable around the rim/inner plastic, but its not. That being said, its lightweight, good shape, and cute printing. She loves it, even if its a bit tight.
Katherine Croft
Greater than one weekThis helmet fits my 3 and a half year old perfectly. Stays on her and seems like its keeping her safe. She is delighted and she would sleep with it on if we let her. This is a great product!
> 3 dayMy daughter absolutely loves this. It’s very light weight and has plenty of padding. The chin strap is curved to prevent pinching.
Prof. Vladimir Strosin DDS
> 3 dayArrived quickly, kid loves it. Shes five with an average-sized head, and I feel like shell grow out of it semi-soon. But she loves all things Frozen, so shes willing to wear it without a fuss.