BELL Frozen Toddler Bike 3D Tiara Helmet (3-5 years), Toddler 3D Tiara (7068215)
> 3 dayWe love these for our twin girls 4 years old when they are learning how to ride a bike!! Good value for the money
> 3 dayBought for my three year old granddaughter
Sweets Di Goddess
> 3 dayFits well on my 5 year old
Mindful Buyer
> 3 dayPurchased for my 3 year old daughter for her birthday along with her tricycle. Fits well with the elastic strap in the back. However, I do prefer my sons style of helmet that has a turn dial in the back to adjust it. Like I said, it fits her well but looks huge on her... very large profile unlike my sons Bell helmet. She loves the Frozen design!
> 3 dayFit my toddler perfectly but she complaint it is too uncomfortable. It is def. a cute and different helmet, the plastic tiara seems to be strong and has not broken yet. Or perhaps its because we didnt have a good enough crash yet. We are happy with it so far. If anything changes I will update my review.
Christopher Williams
> 3 dayIt was exactly what my Granddaughter loves. The Color and picture animation.
Ernie fonseca
> 3 dayWe purchased this helmet to go along with her frozen bike. The size of this helmet fits perfectly for our 3 year old. We had to put the strap on as tight as it could go. But once we did that it fit her perfectly. My daughter just had her 3 year old well-ness check up and her height and weight was at 50 percentile. Completely average for a 3 year old. My 7 year old wants this helmet so bad!. Im completely happy with this purchase.
Rachel Chester
> 3 dayI bought this for my 4 year old niece and it barely fits.
> 3 dayOur granddaughter is in love with Frozen and was excited to see her favorite characters on this helmet. We bought her a small Frozen Big Wheels for Christmas and wanted a helmet, but couldnt find a small size locally. This was advertised on Amazon as toddler size, but did not give the age range--so we took a chance. When we received it, it had an age range of 3-5 years; we could tell it was going to be too big for her 2 year old head, but she will grow into it over time. It seems to be well made and the straps and latches are each to use.
> 3 dayBest helmet ever, very comfortable and sturdy, I don’t have to worry about my daughter getting hurt by falling. Very light weight and very comfortable, would 100% recommend to everyone