Peradix Baby Balance Bikes, Adjustable Toddler Bike for 1+ Year Old, Infant First Walking Bike for 1 2 3 Yr Old Girl Boy with Adjustable Seat Handlebar, Best Bicycle Gift for 1st Birthday, Christmas
Silvia Barraza
> 3 dayEsta muy bonita la bisicleta de bebé
> 3 dayI absolutely love this bike but bought it a month ago and my kiddo still can’t use it because she’s not tall enough to have her feet planted on the ground. She pushes with her toes which promote toe walking so it’s off to the closet for a couple more months sadly.
Misty W.
Greater than one weekI ordered this for my 7 month old and I a.m definitely not regretting it! I put it together pretty quick by myself and really enjoy using it with my baby as they learn stand, walk and balance.
Angeline Lebsack Sr.
> 3 dayI am Happy with it
Ms. Palma Stiedemann
> 3 dayWOW!!! The quality of this little baby bike is outstanding! Its so well made. I think it is the best 1st bike you can buy for your baby. I have got it for my one-year-old and she loves it so much! So strong and durable material and good-looking. The seat is very soft and it got the perfect shape for little ones. The height of the seat and handlebar can been freely lower or lift. My baby loves it so much. She can keep using it if when she turns to 2 years old. I have no words to describe how good it is. Its much economical if you compare it to cheap material bikes with similar or high prices from other shops, it is really worth it. When I saw how good it is, I just have to get another one for my niece. What a bargain! I think its a steal! You wont regret it if you own it. This is for your baby! Let your baby have a nice bike lol! 20 out of 10 points!!!!
L Love
> 3 daywill start and buy this for gifts
> 3 dayVery sturdy and two year old loves it!
Ankush Sharma
> 3 dayWe bought it for a friends daughter who is little over 18 months old. So far she loves the toy. My friends let her ride it inside the house and in the pavers in their backyard. The wheels are soft and it is light enough to take outdoors in a car. The kid loves it and is her favorite toy now.
Greater than one weekI love it. I cannot wait to give to my granddaughter for her 1st birthday. Easy to assemble. Even cuter than I expected.
> 3 dayThis balance bike is great, just a bit too tall for a one year old. And no, she’s not short for her age. She’s actually taller than average. Her toes can reach the ground, it’ll be perfect after she grows another inch or two.