Peradix Baby Balance Bikes, Adjustable Toddler Bike for 1+ Year Old, Infant First Walking Bike for 1 2 3 Yr Old Girl Boy with Adjustable Seat Handlebar, Best Bicycle Gift for 1st Birthday, Christmas
Nancy S
> 3 dayMy one year old grand baby gift was quite the hit. She immediately got on and started moving around on it. Her legs are too short to really sit and ride, but she likes it now and will like it later too!
16-11-2024My one your old granddaughter was able to ride the trike and she loves it. I love the colors.
D. Andrew Burr
> 3 dayWe bought two for twin grandchildren and they are such favourites. The bikes are well made with good silent wheel bearings - used constantly indoors and out, and ridden by toddlers faster than the adults walk. A really good value product.
Beth Tucker
> 3 dayThe bike was easy to assemble and appears to be very sturdy.
Greater than one weekI bought this for my 1 year old, but all kids love it and fight for their turn. Ages 1, 2 and 7 (yes,she is way too big but somehow can zoom on it) love zipping around the house on this thing. Sturdy, cute and fun!
> 3 dayI brought these as a gift for my little cousins. Their mother has sent me multiple messages about how much they absolutely love these.
Vicki Galvin
18-11-2024Great present for a first birthday!
> 3 dayWe bought this for a friend whos girl is turning 1. Everyone else got books and clothes and little sensory toys. We came in with a BIKE! The kid obviously did not understand at first but after a few minutes being pushed around, she did not want to get off. Her feet did not quite touch the ground at first, but after only 1 week, she figured out how to push herself without sitting on the seat. So there is plenty of room to grow into this over the next year or two. She went from being carried around, to barely standing, to zooming around the house in a little over a week. Unbelievable. Now she is terrorizing the dog and having a blast. Not sure how long this will be a favorite toy, but probably will have some longevity. It is just really really cool to see someone barely walking turn into someone completely mobile in such a short amount of time. And the bike is very sturdy for riding. Getting on and off a different story at such a young age. So awesome item and well worth it. But remember, we are just the friend, the parents may feel differently about all this mobility, hahaha
A. Freas
> 3 dayWE bought this for our grandkids who are 18 months to 2 1/2 yrs old. The 4 year old also was a wizzed around the house on it. It was a hit to have in the house for Christmas gathering. The kids love it. It is definitely worth buying if you have any kids between 1-3 years old. When my husband was putting it together he kept asking me how much I paid for it because it was so well made and sturdy and easy to assemble. It is a great deal.
> 3 dayI absolutely love this bike but bought it a month ago and my kiddo still can’t use it because she’s not tall enough to have her feet planted on the ground. She pushes with her toes which promote toe walking so it’s off to the closet for a couple more months sadly.