Peradix Baby Balance Bikes, Adjustable Toddler Bike for 1+ Year Old, Infant First Walking Bike for 1 2 3 Yr Old Girl Boy with Adjustable Seat Handlebar, Best Bicycle Gift for 1st Birthday, Christmas
> 3 dayThis is the cutest balance bike ever. It’s very sturdy and stays upright. My toddler loves it. She isn’t old enough to pedal a tricycle but she pushes herself all around the living room on this. It’s bright green in color with a cute dinosaur (?) design. This is a great bike for your little one until they are ready for a tricycle. It gives them mobility other than walking. I definitely recommend this. It’s such a great deal.
Hortense Gleichner
> 3 dayOne year old gift. I liked this one because handlebars and seat were adjustable with the growth of the child. 2 minutes to assemble.
Greater than one weekThis bike was really easy to assemble and our kid loves it. Its very lightweight and the material is soft enough that it doesnt seem to scrape real hard on our walls. Seems pretty sturdy as well. Great gift for kids!
D. Andrew Burr
> 3 dayWe bought two for twin grandchildren and they are such favourites. The bikes are well made with good silent wheel bearings - used constantly indoors and out, and ridden by toddlers faster than the adults walk. A really good value product.
> 3 dayThis looked like a great product, easy to assemble, but its not usable for our 15 month old. The problem is his feet keep hitting the front and back wheels (its so annoying). The mobility of the feet isnt there for him to ride it smoothly. Note: Our baby is big and he is easily able to walk/run at 15 months. The product says 1-3 years but it seems usable only if your baby has grown bigger. Perhaps its usable when the baby grows >2 years old, but then I wouldnt buy this bike in the first place. This was supposed to be the starter bike for him but he doesnt enjoy it.
Karen Ison
Greater than one weekMy one year old son got this for his birthday. He loves it and its short enough he can get on it by himself and use it.
Stephen Fender
Greater than one weekWe got this for our 18-month-old. Granted, shes small for her age, so even when the seat is set at its lowest her toes just touch the ground. But she DOES love it. She scoots around for a few minutes each day on this. Shes working on turning now and has recently got going backward down. Its a great toy for balance training. You might need space for this, as the turning radius isnt very tight. Id say at least 8 feet by 8 feet if you dont want the kids to have to make a 3-point turn. Overall, were very pleased with this. Materials seem high-quality, and construction was easy.
Carol Brussey
> 3 dayvery well made
Tammy Marie
Greater than one weekLoved it
> 3 dayLove this bike so much! I’ve had 1 nephew and 3 nieces now that have had them and they’ve loved them, the best thing about this particular one is that it has an adjustable seat so it can grow with the child.