Ticket to Ride USA 1910 Board Game EXPANSION | Train Route-Building Strategy Game | Fun Family Game for Kids and Adults | Ages 8+ | 2-5 Players | Avg. Playtime 30-60 Minutes | Made by Days of Wonder
> 3 dayadditional destinations for Ticket to Ride (U.S.) ---expands the game
L Fitz
Greater than one weeknice addition to the game.
Adam B.
> 3 dayThis is just about an essential add-on to the original Ticket to Ride board game. It replaces all of the original cards with larger (standard playing card sized) versions, and provides even more route tickets to yield a number of variations on the original board game. Obviously, the board and pieces from the original USA board Ticket to Ride are required to make use of this expansion set.
Shane C. Pruyne
> 3 dayThis adds some interesting options to the games. It makes multiple short hauls linked together a viable early strategy. Most of all I like the larger cards. They take up more room in the box, but they are so much easier to handle and shuffle that is worth twice the price if you already like Ticket to Ride.
> 3 dayGood price and good expansion. Gave this game some more life after we had played it to death and it sat in our closet for a few months. I got this and we started playing the game incessantly again. Good expansion. Read other reviews for details on card size and stuff. I dont know, I kind of liked the smaller cards, but the big ones are certainly easier to hold. Anyway, I would call this a necessary expansion if you like the original game. Worth the price for sure.
Tom G.
> 3 dayLarger cards are easier to shuffle. More challenging trips.
Dana Child
> 3 dayI love the bigger cards and the new game variations.
> 3 dayI love playing the original ticket to ride with my kids, but the size of the cards was always a pain in the next trying to get them shuffled and dealt. This set fixes that. The extra route cards you get with this plus the most routes made card make this totally worth the cost to upgrade your Ticket to Ride.
Chris Vallely
Greater than one weekGot these mainly for the full size cards and did not disappoint. I’d never want to play with the tiny cards again!
Delphine Pouros
> 3 dayexpansion definitely added complexity and thank goodness cards are regular sized and not tiny.