XIAPIA Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Boy Girl Gifts, 10-24 Month Toddler Balance Bike with 4 Silence Wheels, No Pedal Toddler First Bike, First Birthday Gifts Christmas for Boys and Girls
> 3 dayThe little bike is well made, easy to put together. However the seat does not adjust and my son (12 months) doesn’t ride it because every step he runs over his feet. The back tires are way to close to the front.
Danielle A
17-11-2024This little bike is so cool! Both my toddler and my one year old love it. My toddler loves to scoot around the neighborhood on it and its easy enough for my one year old to get on himself, plus not get hurt if he falls off. It was easy to put together. We may have to buy another one so they can both have one!
Katie Tegerdine
> 3 dayThis is so cute. Bought for ten month old boy who is cruising and crawling. Hes a bit too young for it yet, but loves to be scooted along with assistance. Its real sturdy and has a comfy seat. My only caution is for mothers of huge children. Our son is a baby giant. He might be too long for this by the time he can use it independently, but I think hell still get some use. And he loves it. For all parents: its the perfect size for a baby/young toddler. Its so stinking cute.
Virginia conklin
> 3 dayLiked that it was easy to put together
> 3 dayEasy to assemble and go
Sherri Hanigan
> 3 daySo cute and easy to assemble! My 1-year old grandson hopped on and started scooting around in a snap. His 3 1/2 year old brother even had to try it. I held my breath, but it supported his weight with no problem. As a bonus, I had it assembled in just a few minutes. I highly recommend this little jewel as a first bike for toddlers!
> 3 dayThis was very easy to assemble and sturdy. My grandson who is not yet a year old but walking loves it. As does his 2 year old brother.