XIAPIA Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Boy Girl Gifts, 10-24 Month Toddler Balance Bike with 4 Silence Wheels, No Pedal Toddler First Bike, First Birthday Gifts Christmas for Boys and Girls
> 3 dayMy grandson took right to it and now is trying to play with his other gifts while seated on his bike.
Celesta Wengerd
> 3 dayMy grandsons loved this ride on toy, very easy for toddlers to use.
Pirate Farmer
> 3 dayLoved this for my one year old grandchild. It’s exactly what it says it is. It’s perfect for his size. He’s still working on getting it to go forward.
Darin J. Rebhahn
18-11-2024Absolutely love this cute little trike. It is just the right size for our 14 month old granddaughter. We love the safety feature of the handlebars only moving about 20 to 30 degrees to either side which keeps her from tipping over and falling off the trike.
Greater than one weekPerfect for a toddler.
> 3 dayGreat purchase! Got this for my godson on his first bday it is the perfect size and it came with stickers so I spelled his name out on the handle bar :)
Greater than one weekSturdy
Greater than one weekEasy to assemble and go
> 3 dayCute as can be, can see this being ridden around a ton, easy to install, looks like itll be pretty tough
Amanda Thibodeaux
> 3 dayI bought this for my one year old niece for Christmas. She absolutely loves it. It is her absolute favorite toy. It didnt take her long to figure out how to ride it properly. Now she zooms all over the place! Its very sturdy, and was easy to put together.