XIAPIA Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Boy Girl Gifts, 10-24 Month Toddler Balance Bike with 4 Silence Wheels, No Pedal Toddler First Bike, First Birthday Gifts Christmas for Boys and Girls
> 3 dayMy Great Grandson doesn’t like to ride it, but he doesn’t like to ride anything. He just pushes it around. However, it’s really well made, sturdy, moves well. I would just by it again if I needed one. He’ll eventually ride it I’m sure. He’s only 13 mos. it is very low to the ground, so it doesn’t hurt when he falls down.
Greater than one weekThe balance bike met my expectations. It was very easy to assemble and my grandson likes it. I like that it comes in different colors.
Greater than one weekI purchased this Baby Balance Bike toddler tricycle, no pedals, for a babys 1st birthday gift. It was stated 10-24 months, so it seemed to be a perfect gift. Every time the little guy attempted to straddle it and use his feet to go forward, it would tip over. I purchased it because it appeared to be well made and sturdy. It is simply not designed for a child just learning to walk.
Robert templer
> 3 dayThey werent lieing when they said tiny, my water bottle is bigger than this! For over 50$, heck no!
Dr. Lukas Rodriguez
Greater than one weekStill a little wobbler than I had hoped.
Greater than one weekWonderful
> 3 dayThis bike is the perfect size for 1 to 2 year olds. A 3 year old might be too tall for it and have their legs dragging on the ground. Well balanced and has the ability to steer while not oversteering
judith mendoza
17-11-2024Tiene todo lo que necesita un niño peq.es perfecta y tan hermosa mi nieto la ama
> 3 dayWe bought this for our granddaughter at 10 months. She likes to sit on it but wont so far scoot it (she is 14 months now). She has a wider one that does not tip that is her favorite. I am hoping she will like in the future. It is a cute well built first vehicle however.
> 3 dayMy 12 month old nephew likes this bike. I would say be near by as they can fall over easily but it does help them with balance!