Yvolution 4 in 1 Toddler Trike Y Velo Flippa Push Tricycle Toddler Balance Bike with Parent Steering Push Handle for Boys Girls 2-5 Years Old
> 24 hourThis bike was easy to assemble, although as some others have mentioned, I did struggle a tiny bit turning the wheels from balance bike into trike mode. My only recommendation or downfall is that it’s not adjustable height wise - which for my petite toddler is a little bit of a downfall. He is 3, but on the smaller side, so the pedals are too far for him to reach. If the seat could move forward/backward or the body of the bike could adjust up or down that would help for this bike to fit kiddos of more ages and sizes. It’s great quality though, beautiful color, we look forward to growing into it!!!
Jacinthe Johnson Jr.
> 24 hourGot this for my 2 year old. It was very easy to assemble. The tips from reviewers helped a lot. I’ve only used it with the handle and seems sturdy enough just no sharp turns. My daughter is 2 and very tall but she still can’t reach the ground comfortably or the pedals so she rides it with her feet in the rest position. I was hoping she would be able to ride it on her own too. An adjustable seat that starts off lower would have perfected this bike.
Miss Mellie Beer I
> 24 hourWe gave these to our twin granddaughters 2nd birthday. They are perfect. Durable, easy to assemble and easy for parents to steer them! They are a good size and the girls can climb on and off easily. Highly recommend and the price is good too.
> 24 hourEasy assembly ..adjustable..love that I can steer after little one is tired and I don’t have to car trike back ..just push both !!! Super great for walks!!!
Zeinab Schwen
> 24 hourExcellent trike. It’s just that my toddlers legs are not long enough to peddle. I wish the seat was adjustable to come forward a little bit fir her to reach the peddle. Otherwise the future versatility is super.
Jessica Eager
> 24 hourIt was good but the handle that the parent used stopped working within a day. In the inside of it and wont turn the bike right and I would go to turn right.
> 24 hourPretty easy to put together and feels decently solid for a toddler tricycle. I love how it can grow with my son. However, the parent push bar attachment goes in crooked and theres no way for us to adjust it. It doesnt affect anything other than the look of the bike because it looks like the push bar is turned when the front wheel is straight (it controls the turning of the front wheel so they would normally be aligned).
> 24 hourThe bike works perfectly and having all of the different options is wonderful for the 3 year old using it.
> 24 hourNA
> 24 hourOnce assembled, it’s really going to be a nice bike. YouTube has the best instructions for assembly. I would have given it five stars if the instructions would have been any better.