3 in 1 Toddler Tricycles for 2-4 Years Old Boys and Girls with Detachable Pedal and Bell | Foldable Baby Balance Bike Riding Toys for 24 Month Up Kids | Infant First Birthday New Year (Green)
> 24 hourIt was easy to assemble and seems pretty sturdy only thing is that it came with no handlebar grips.
Melissa A. Wallick
> 24 hourGiven as a Christmas present to my three year old. Very sturdy and durable bicycle. Good instructions for putting it together. Easy to fold to pop in a car trunk.
Sharon Keiser
> 24 hourMore adjustablity for smaller 2 year old.
Vincent Torsell
> 24 hourGreat overall quality. Easy to assemble. Easy to fold up for transporting in a small car trunk. The transition from tricycle to balance bike is cool…. Basically perfect, except it’s definitely not for a 4 year old. My son just turned 4 and we got it for him. He’s big for his age, but even with the seat the whole way up it wasn’t even close to big enough. I’m not sure it would have been big enough if we got it for him when he turned 3. It says “baby tricycle” right on the box. Should be fit ages 1-3. If you’ve got an average sized 3 year old it might be big enough. We returned ours and got the Schwinn 12” roadster. Perfect for my big kid. He might even use it next summer.
Lis Ellenbecker
> 24 hourCame with Chrome handlebars not the black ones also had no tire valves Schwinn needs to step it up With their quality control its poor
> 24 hourWe bought this bike for my moms house as that’s where my son goes every day. It’s so easy to put together and rides great. We then went and got a second one for our house.
Lash F. Turville
> 24 hourThis tricycle was the hit of a two year party. The recipient got on it and never got off for the whole birthday party!
Judith Mercado
> 24 hourIs perfect
> 24 hourSeems very sturdy and my tall 2 year old granddaughter likes it but legs too short to pedal all the way around. Surprise bec she is a tall 2 year old, even with seat all the way down. Will just wait til she is a little taller. She loves the bell!
> 24 hourMy son LOVES this bike. He is a tall 2 year old and can’t reach the pedals but loves to use it with his feet. My only complaint is that the bike will grow with him but the tire tread has completely worn down. I wish I could replace just the wheels.