3 in 1 Toddler Tricycles for 2-4 Years Old Boys and Girls with Detachable Pedal and Bell | Foldable Baby Balance Bike Riding Toys for 24 Month Up Kids | Infant First Birthday New Year (Green)
Sharon Keiser
> 3 dayMore adjustablity for smaller 2 year old.
Judith Mercado
Greater than one weekIs perfect
Yan Li
18-11-2024I bought this tricycle for my son who is two and half year old. It turned out to be a good choice as my boy loves the tricycle. He likes to ride the tricycle around the neighborhood. I am happy that I picked the right toy for my boy.
Taylor Ashlock
> 3 daySuper easy to assemble. Very sturdy and easy to switch from stage to stage. My only negative which to me wasn’t a deal breaker but I wish the wheels were rubber like a real bike tire. The tires that come with it are a mixture of plastic/rubber. They don’t stretch my wood floors and it’s very smooth just wish they were 100% airable tires.
Signe Balluff
Greater than one weekExcellent bike. Folds easily. My son is a big two year old and this bike is still too big for him. He cannot reach peddles. Other than that- I would recommend.
Laraine W.
> 3 dayThe trike is very durable, I sat on it weighing 160 pounds, held up great. I am 64 years old, it took me about 30 minutes to put it together for my granddaughter, she is 2 1/2 years old. She really loves her new trike. Very sturdy.
Michael Frohlich
> 3 dayIt’s a very nice transition bike. My son loves it. We had one issue the peddle broke and the piece got stuck in the hole but they have excellent customer service and when I contacted them they sent me a brand new bike
Nat Beier
> 3 dayEasy to assemble and the grandson liked it.
> 3 dayThis multi bike is really nice. To assemble is easy, didnt need the instructions but we had an issue with the seat falling down when say weight was placed since the clamp was not securing. Customer Service provided a new part and it has worked out great. The color is vivid, the feel of it seems sturdy so I can see our little one enjoying this for a while. My only complaints are minor....1) the bell is terrible. I would have much rather the one with thumb trigger you press then it retracts back. This one is a little frustrating for a toddler to try and concentrate while riding. 2) the wheel caps stick more than I care about.
> 3 dayBought this for my grandson’s 3 rd birthday present. His dad put it together with ease and my little one loves riding it. When he is reading they will adjust it for him to be a two wheelerish.