3 in 1 Toddler Tricycles for 2-4 Years Old Boys and Girls with Detachable Pedal and Bell | Foldable Baby Balance Bike Riding Toys for 24 Month Up Kids | Infant First Birthday New Year (Green)
> 3 dayBought this for my grandson’s 3 rd birthday present. His dad put it together with ease and my little one loves riding it. When he is reading they will adjust it for him to be a two wheelerish.
> 3 dayBe try disappointed. My grandmother ordered this for my sons birthday. The tab to connect the bottom to the top of the front of the bike was in the wrong place making the two pieces unable to interlock where they were supposed to. On the handle bars there is a square cut out and a screw with a bolt you are supposed to feed through connecting part. Holes did not line up. Waste of money.
Signe Balluff
> 3 dayExcellent bike. Folds easily. My son is a big two year old and this bike is still too big for him. He cannot reach peddles. Other than that- I would recommend.
Melissa A. Wallick
> 3 dayGiven as a Christmas present to my three year old. Very sturdy and durable bicycle. Good instructions for putting it together. Easy to fold to pop in a car trunk.
Yan Li
> 3 dayI bought this tricycle for my son who is two and half year old. It turned out to be a good choice as my boy loves the tricycle. He likes to ride the tricycle around the neighborhood. I am happy that I picked the right toy for my boy.
María Isabel
> 3 dayMi hijo lo ama
> 3 dayMy son LOVES this bike. He is a tall 2 year old and can’t reach the pedals but loves to use it with his feet. My only complaint is that the bike will grow with him but the tire tread has completely worn down. I wish I could replace just the wheels.