3 in 1 Toddler Tricycles for 2-4 Years Old Boys and Girls with Detachable Pedal and Bell | Foldable Baby Balance Bike Riding Toys for 24 Month Up Kids | Infant First Birthday New Year (Green)
> 3 dayThere is an assembly video on Amazon that goes by very fast and does not give details on how to assemble the seat. So as you can see, the seat is not fully assembled and I have all these parts I have no idea where they go. The instructions are just pictures that don’t address this part of it at all :(
Taylor Ashlock
> 3 daySuper easy to assemble. Very sturdy and easy to switch from stage to stage. My only negative which to me wasn’t a deal breaker but I wish the wheels were rubber like a real bike tire. The tires that come with it are a mixture of plastic/rubber. They don’t stretch my wood floors and it’s very smooth just wish they were 100% airable tires.
Alysia Jackson
> 3 dayI ordered this tricycle for my nephews birthday. The bike was delivered quickly and was quite easy to assemble with no issues. My nephew absolutely loves this bike and uses it daily. I received excellent customer service from the company when an issue did arise. Will definitely order again for a gift!
> 3 dayI was a little worried this bike was going to be too small for my three years old. Its actually too big. My son is small but I dont think this would be ok for any two year old. He only weighs about 30 lbs and clearly isnt very tall. His legs are not long enough to pedal yet. We switched it to the balance bike side and his feet just touch the floor. Im glad he will be able to grow into it, but I was hoping he would be able to use this since he didnt like his regular bike. My son does love the bell on this and seems pretty excited about it. Hopefully, he hits a growth spurt soon. This bike is super easy to put together but the directions are lacking. Its just pictures, no detail. Good thing its self-explanatory. The bike switches easily between the tricycle and balance bike. The seat is adjustable and does go pretty high. The tires are some type of plastic, definitely not rubber, and probably cant be replaced if they ever wear out. It seems pretty well made and overall Im happy with it.
> 3 dayGet it !!!
> 3 dayWe got this one for my sons birthday present, he really likes it, nice color and the quality is amazing, very flexible, you can use it not only as a tricycle but also as a balance bike. Love it.
> 3 dayThis car is really great. It can be a tricycle or a bicycle. Babies can ride from childhood to adulthood. The quality is also very good, the steel pipe is very textured.
> 3 dayI bought this for our 2.5 yr old grandson for Christmas knowing he wouldnt be able to pedal yet. I wanted him to be able to grow into a tricycle. He is tall and the smaller ones would not last long. HE LOVES IT! He loves scooting around on it. His Pop-Pop loves the fact the pedals can be removed as to not get in his way nor trip him up. Later, the pedal can be put back on when he is ready to learn how to fully use them. I love the easy the bike folds up for easy storage. (So, it can be stored in a closet when not in use.) He quickly caught on to ringing the bell and loves ringing it to his mothers chagrin and our joy!!
> 3 dayGreat
Arlie Kuvalis
> 3 dayGood bike