Banana LT Balance Bike - Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls - No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat - Aluminium, EVA Tires - Training Bike
> 3 dayWe like this bike. It has a great look and was easy to assemble. Our two year old received it for his birthday, but hasnt really taken to it yet because it seems he is still a tad bit too short to really sit on it comfortably, even with the lowest settings. He is of average height for his age, but the bike is still slightly too big. Hopefully he will grow into it soon so we can really see him try to use it!
L Kumar
> 3 dayThe bike is a great size for our 2year old. I gave 4 stars because we ended up with duplicate gifts and when I tried to return this there was a fee to return. I ended up having to ask the person who gifted the other balance bike for the receipt so I could return their gift. Wasn’t a major issue but not ideal. Otherwise the product is good & our 2 year old loves playing on the bike.
Miho T
Greater than one weekThe push bike is of a good quality. My son loves to ride it. I got it for his 2 year old birthday, but he could have used it a bit earlier. He was on short side, but the saddles went pretty low, so it was perfect for a short legged kid. I contemplated weather or not I should get one with break, which would have costed a lot more. I now believe the break is not necessary, unless you are going down a steep hill, which is probably unsafe for 2-3 year old anyway. He learn to stop himself with his legs quickly.
Stephany Doyle
> 3 dayHas been a good product so far. The foam type tires are interesting. They dont have a much traction as rubber ones do, but I think I might actually rather have these for such a small bike. The seat post hangs a little low and has caught my kids leg a couple of times and scratched it. Im happy we chose to purchase this bike and would recommend to anyone
> 3 dayBought for my son 3rd bday. He was able to navigate it right away. He loves it!
Theresa Lynn Samsvick
> 3 dayGot this for our grandsons 3rd birthday. It was perfect size for him, and he loved it.
Matt Pettis
> 3 dayI had no idea these existed until my wife started talking about them. We decided to try it out for our 4 year old son and was that ever a great idea. He has gone from not wanting to take both feet off the ground (and moving at a snails pace) to zooming around the sidewalk with both feet up. Hes going to be ready for a pedal bike in no time. Our next two kids will definitely be starting out on this as well. The only complaint I have is that the clamp for the seat doesnt work incredibly well - I set it up high at the start of a ride and by the time hes done it has slipped all the way to the bottom. I would still highly recommend it though.
Carlos Maldonado
> 3 dayMy son loves his bike. He started to used it when he was 2. Easy to learn Durable Easy to assemble Some cons: No stars deducted - The metal coming our the tire can do some floor damage. My son love to ride his bike even inside the house and that is OK with me. - Tires seem to not last very long. We have since July 2017, and it already need new tires. I personally love this bike and what it did for my son since he was 2 years old. He has his balance more than dominated by now. He goes down hill and put his legs up and just ride.