Banana LT Balance Bike - Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls - No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat - Aluminium, EVA Tires - Training Bike
Greater than one weekMy tiny 2 yr old has loves this bike. He can easily move and lift it over curbs and large bumps. It didnt take him long to figure out how to use it and has loved the freedom and speed.
> 3 day3rd Review (4 Stars) I contacted Banana Bike and they were very responsive. They sent a set of 2 new wheels ready to go within the week. My son was out of commission for the week and he wasnt happy about that, but sometimes this is the reality. I wasnt happy that it broke so quick, but Banana stood behind their product and fixed it. 2nd Review (1 Star) After 5 weeks of use one of the bearings blew out on the wheels. 1st Review (5 Stars) My (almost 3) son loves this bike. He was balancing within the week. 3 weeks now and I think its almost time for a pedal bike, No Training Wheels. Amazing. Wish I bought this sooner, but I didnt know about them.
Becky W
> 3 dayAfter doing a lot of research on balance bikes, settled on the Banana bike due to light weight and price. My 3 year old grandson loves it and rides it everywhere. Within a couple of weeks he was balancing well and speeding along. Very sturdy and yet light weight for a toddler to handle easily. Highly recommend!
Greater than one weekWas extremely excited to gift this to my 2yr old for his birthday and when I went to assemble it I found I was missing the domed bearing which is an essential part. Both my husband and I have tried contacting Banana Bike via their online form about a month ago and we still haven’t heard back from them about replacing the missing part. I am super bummed that I spent money on a product that I cannot even put together and also that we were unable to gift our kid their “big” present for their birthday. ☹️
N. Johnson
> 3 dayThis is a great bike at a great price! It was a Christmas present for our two-year-old daughter, and she loves it so far. She got the hang of it right away, the seat is adjustable so we could lower it to where its appropriate for her and theres plenty of room still to move it up for her to use for probably a couple of years. The blue/black color scheme is also really slick! I couldnt be happier, especially with such a great price. Its really well made and we are really excited for her to learn to improve her balance with it.
John Sellers
> 3 dayMy kid LOVES this bike. Hes developing lots of balance and mobility with this. I will have such an easier time of transitioning him over to a regular bike because of this. I can see him run along and then pick his feet up to balance already.
Bev Ecker
> 3 dayOur grandson loves his new bike! Easy to ride and very sturdy. Grandma Bev
Dr. Nedra Ritchie
> 3 dayBike was received quickly and as described. Very easy to assemble and good quality. Definitely would recommend.
Vicki K. Leach
Greater than one weekI was surprised at how light it is. My husband assembled it for our grandson without any real problem.
Greater than one weekI bought a Smart Gear Balance Bike for my first kid when he was one. He was almost three before he was tall enough to use it, and he is a tall kid. We bought this Banana Bike for my second baby this week. He is 15 months old and he can tippy-toe it just fine. He is in love. What is more, the three year loves this Banana Bike so much more than his Smart Gear bike. The seat is lower on this bike and the handles wider so a kid has more control and their center of gravity is low and in a logical place. The three year old is so much more brave and in control of this bike then the bike he has been riding for a year. The frame is metal, the wheels are solid so it will stand up to the basic use so much better than the Smart Gear bike we have, that is already falling apart. We paid more for the Smart Gear bike but, plan on getting rid of it and getting another of these instead.