Banana LT Balance Bike - Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls - No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat - Aluminium, EVA Tires - Training Bike
Robert B
Greater than one weekBike is great, my 3 year old loves it but unfortunately after a slow fall the front wheel broke apart. I took it to a bike shop to see if it can be repaired, but due to how its built they said its unrepairable. So unless I can find a replacement wheel, the bike goes to the garbage.
Greater than one weekThis is a very good bike and my son loves it. He can also balance for 5 to 6 seconds. But the seat and handle bar keeps moving which causes them to be misaligned. The instructions could be a bit clearer on how to keep them intact. But this is a only an inconvenience and I like how my kid enjoys this bike.
Joseph Piludu
> 3 dayPerfect fit for my 2 year old. She loves the color. It was easy to assemble with clear directions. The way the seat is lower it make it great for a small toddler to use but with the adjustable lever I can let my 4 and 5 year old ride it in seconds. They also love it. The handle bars are nice and sturdy. It is definitely light weight my 2 year old did not struggle holding the bike up. She is still learning and it is a perfect learning bike. I would recommend this bike.
> 3 dayOur nearly 2 yr old LOVES this bike! Its light enough he has no problem dragging it around when needed. He has smashed into many rocks (he plays rough) its got a few scratches but no dents. He loves it on little hills so he can pick his feet up and glide down them. We couldnt be happier with this bike! My only complaint is since he is a little guy. The seat is at the lowest position. He has scraped his ankle a couple times on that metal. Nothing major. But it would be nice if that had some sort of rubber cap on it. Just to help protect him. But that hasnt stopped him from racing it all over the place!
shawna wood
> 3 dayMy son absolutely loves his “bike-o” as he calls it. We got it for his second birthday. I think the earliest I’d recommend a balance bike is age 1.5 because of basic understanding of what a bike does is around then. This bike was a lot lower to the ground than I expected but it hasn’t caused an issue. The only thing about this bike that sucked was that before he even had a chance to ride it the seat ripped. We weren’t even doing anything to do it and it ripped. But we put some black electric tape over it so no biggie. I’d buy again. I including some pictures of it next to a measuring tape.
> 3 dayGot the green one for my three and a half year old. Within two days he was coasting all over the place. Had to buy a pink one for my 2.5 year daughter to keep things even. Surprisingly, within two days she was also coasting all over. Great way to learn how to ride (balance) a bike. Wish Id had one of these when I was their age. My only gripe is that the hand grips are not at all durable. A couple of crashes and laying the bike down results in the end being cut off exposing a sharp metal pipe edge.
> 3 dayMy son loves the bike but the nut on the back tire won’t stay on. We replaced it with a lock but hopefully that will work
Aaron S.
Greater than one weekSpectacular concept (balance bikes) and brand is well made. Only draw back is no hand brake, really wish my son could also be using this time to learn braking.
Nick Ferraro
> 3 dayPlastic wheels and a terrible seat adjuster. Might work for small kids but mine looks like a giant on it. Her knees are up to her chin. 2 and 3 year olds only and only small ones
Savage serg
> 3 dayI received this product in may for my daughter who had turned 3 in February, she got the hang of the balance bike pretty fast , she would go down hill with her feet up for long periods of time So I decided to get her a regular bike for Christmas, before the new year and before she turned 4 I’m proud to say she’s riding her bike at 3 years old no training wheels