Banana LT Balance Bike - Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls - No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat - Aluminium, EVA Tires - Training Bike
> 3 dayGot this for our toddler for Christmas and it was a hit. Santa was able to assemble bike with no problem. We were considering purchasing the other leading but double the priced balance bike because who doesnt want the best for their kids...but thriftiness won. So glad it did. It has been played in sunshine and snow and it fairing up well. While not being played, kept snugly in the garage. The adorable name Banana Bike is well adorable too. Love the lime color. Was a little skeptical of the wheels because they are plastic not traditional rubber...but have been pleased with the durability. It is a plus that we dont have to keep the tires inflated. We looked at balance bikes with real bike tires and saw numerous complaints of the difficulty of keeping the tires inflated because they are small. Happy we dodged that bee hive. Very happy with this purchase.
Caroline Ullrich
> 3 dayGot this for my 2 year olds birthday. My husband put it together in about 30 miners with said 2 year old trying to help. Its sturdy and the seat is adjustable to grow with you little one.
> 3 dayBought this for my 18month old and he figured it out quick! He’s 2.5 now and still rides it everyday and absolutely loves it. We live in the country and he rides on all kinds of terrain and it has held up great. Easy to learn and the seat adjusts nicely as they grow. My other son had a strider bike years ago and I have to say I prefer this Banana bike over the Strider.
> 3 dayWe absolutely LOVE it!! The adjustable height makes it perfect for either my 2yr old or my 4yr old to ride around on. Its built very sturdy, my youngest is a walking disaster and even she cant do any damage to this thing. The metal parts are solid enough to not bend or dent, and the plastic is thick enough its virtually impossible to break. Despite the durability, its also lightweight. Littlest has tipped it a couple times (dont worry, with helmet and pads on) and it doesnt cause any injuries from the bike falling onto legs. It was pretty easy to put together, with one exception...and this is not called out anywhere on the instructions, or pictured, so it wasnt blatantly obvious to us...TAKE THE BLACK PLASTIC OFF THE BOTTOM OF THE HANDLEBARS!!! Its not needed, just a protective shield for the metal point. All the directions said was to slide the handlebars into the base, no picture of the bottom of the handlebars, and it took us an embarrassingly long time to figure it out, we kept trying to make it fit as-is.
N. Johnson
> 3 dayThis is a great bike at a great price! It was a Christmas present for our two-year-old daughter, and she loves it so far. She got the hang of it right away, the seat is adjustable so we could lower it to where its appropriate for her and theres plenty of room still to move it up for her to use for probably a couple of years. The blue/black color scheme is also really slick! I couldnt be happier, especially with such a great price. Its really well made and we are really excited for her to learn to improve her balance with it.
El Kati
> 3 day2.5 yr old feels confident handling it. After 2 months, she now skates at 5-6 mph and flies down gentle hills with her feet raised. Shes ready for a pedal bike.
Brenda Hernandez
Greater than one weekBought this bike for my son when he was 2 in Nov. 2018. He is now almost 4. It’s a great bike and I would love to give it 5 stars however the seat when adjusted keeps going down. Other than that it’s great.
Tara Smith
Greater than one weekWe are so happy we got this bike for our 3 year old! We were looking at strider bikes, but they were so expensive especially for someone so little. Im so glad we went with this brand instead. I have no complaints, and I love how light it is. My little guy can lift it on his own which helps him maneuver it easily, and it was super easy to put together. I love the foam tires, I dont have to worry about flats and they also give him the cushion he needs when he goes over bumps. He looks forward to riding it now from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed. Definitely a good buy!
> 3 dayIt is light weight indeed and my toddler loves it.
Vicki K. Leach
> 3 dayI was surprised at how light it is. My husband assembled it for our grandson without any real problem.