Bell Axle Youth Bike Helmet
> 3 daytrying to find the right size helmet for a tall 4 year old was a challenge since she had outgrown all of the typical toddler/kid/youth sizes. This one was a perfect fit and good quality.
J. Wood
> 3 dayThis is a perfect fit for my biggish 9 year old. He outgrew the child helmet and he really liked the colors of this one. I like that it seems like it’ll protect his brain if he falls. I would definitely recommend this helmet.
Arvel Gutkowski Sr.
17-11-2024Fits great.
> 3 dayFits well, son likes it.
> 3 dayGreat helmet for kids. Correct size and bright colors.
Ronnie Scott
> 3 dayI bought these for my grandsons 8th birthday party and he loved it! i also bought the matching knee and elbow pad and it all matches his hoverboard !
Kylee Oberbrunner
Greater than one weekThis helmet is great- my daughter loves the colors. It’s easy to buckle. I don’t like that there is not a dial adjust for the head circumference. There is elastic to adjust, but helmet is just a little big for her. She will grow into it and then it will grow with her. Overall a good buy.
> 3 dayFits true to size great for the price - used for my 6 year old
K Seely
> 3 dayWorks!
> 3 dayThis was a gift to my 11 year old niece. She really liked the color and has room to grow!!!