Bell Axle Youth Bike Helmet
Greater than one weekI had ordered another safety helmet, but it looked too narrow for our 5 year old boy. His head is rounder and larger than average, so I ordered this because it was the next size up. He has a 20.5 or 52 cm head measurement and this fit him perfectly. Amazon was great both delivering this quickly to my relatives home and accepting return on the helmet that didnt fit him. Our little guy is going to look great on his new scooter with his safety helmet and gear all purchased from Amazon!
E Jane Rivera
Greater than one weekI assume all is well with the helmet. It was a gift for a grandson.
Lisa A. Johnson
> 3 dayI ordered this for my 11 year old daughter and it fits perfect! The colors are very bright and she LOVES it! You cant go wrong with Bell helmets...she has had them since she was tiny and they have protected her head every time! I also use a Bell helmet and I am 43 years old. They are super comfortable and give me the confidence I need to feel safe when wearing it.
Micah Jaskolski
> 3 dayThe visor broke immediately after opening
> 3 dayPerfectly sturdy and perfect mates to skates as a gift.
Greater than one week9 year old birthday gift She loved it!
Amy Ruth Kinealy
Greater than one weekFits great and daughter loves it
christopher smith
> 3 dayMy daughter loves this helmet. Its very easy for her to use. Shes 8 years old and it gives her plenty of room to grow.
Ms. Sienna Medhurst
> 3 dayPerfect for my seven year old! Has room to grow. He said it is comfortable and was eager to wear helmet. Happy mom!
Randall B Ross
> 3 daynothing