Radio Flyer Air Ride Balance Bike, Toddler Bike, Ages 1.5-5 (Amazon Exclusive), Toddler Bike
Greater than one weekThis is the best decision to buy this for my 4 year old girl. She has been using the training wheels bike for 2 years and no result. She uses this balance for one week and can bike herself. Very light weight. And easy to put together
20-11-2024Sturdy little bike and the grandson loves it!
> 3 daySuper easy to put together. I was a little disappointed to find that the wheels are plastic (I thought they were rubber), but I dont think that will really impact the usefulness of the bike. As far as size/height recommendations ....... this was a birthday gift for my two year old. I dont know his height, in inches, but I do know that on his birthday he was in the 75% for height, and the bike is still a bit too big for him. If he sits on the seat, at its lowest setting, he can only touch the ground with the tips of his toes. I suspect that he will grow into by the time hes 2 1/2. If I had it to do all over again I would still purchase this bike. I think it was a good spend.
> 3 dayMy Nephew is 2.8 years old and looooves this bike! Its perfect for his size and he can use it for a while before he grows out of it.
> 3 dayI returned this item because my daught was gifted another balance bike that she really loves but this bike is high quality for what it is and at a great price point I highly recommend this bike if you are on a budget and you dont mind the foam tires.
J Elmore
> 3 dayI wanted(still want to) love this bike so much but the handle bars do not lock in place. Even with just trying to store the bike I come back and the handle bars are not in place. My 2½ year old is just getting used to a bike and we havent done a lot on it but thats also because I am a little nervous of the tire and the handle bars deciding to go different ways. I tightened them until I couldnt anymore but it still doesnt stay in place and if he puts to much weight on the handle bars it pushes them down.
> 3 dayThis bike is adorable and everything I wanted it to be. We are having trouble with the easy instructions that the handle bars go in the slot then you tighten the clamp thing and yet the handle bars would turn and not the tire....I did and redid it several times then finally my husband did it and it seems to have worked.
> 3 dayMy grandson is learning to sit and run. He will be balancing soon. The seat is easy to adjust. The only hiccup is a small tear in the seat. Ive contacted manufacturer and hopefully that will go well. Otherwise exactly what I wanted and expected.
> 3 dayCan’t wait to let my daughter ( turning 3) see her big surprise on her birthday!! This arrived beautiful Lu packaged (great attention in using less water like cardboard or plastic) everything was pristine upon assembling. This company knows what they’re doing. Don’t bother with competitors, I did and I regret not buying this one first! The prices are very similar and this quality impressed me. Also it has its own warranty when you register your product. Don’t let this deal pass you by!!!!!!!! We ordered the pink bicycle and it was beautiful!!
> 3 dayWe bought for our 3 year old and she absolutely loves it. She prefers this over her well loved tricycle and bike with training wheels.