Radio Flyer Air Ride Balance Bike, Toddler Bike, Ages 1.5-5 (Amazon Exclusive), Toddler Bike
Frank Hinojos
> 3 dayThis thing taught my boy to ride in less than a week. He wouldnt get on his regular bike after the training wheel broke off. I took off the remaining wheel and broken stub from his bike and it sat there collecting dust. I didnt even buy this for him (5 years old) but I bought it for my younger boy (3 years old) but the 5 year old jump on this and began balancing right away. After a few times out with this balance bike, I encouraged him to try his pedal bike but just put his feet on the floor just like the balance bike. He just pedalled away first try. If nothing else, this balance bike encourages confidence! Now my younger boy is learning on it. This one with the rubber tires is much better than the plastic tire version because my boys like to hit turns on this thing and the rubber grips nicely. My buddy has the plastic tire version and his slips out on tight turns. Very recommended. Frank
20-11-2024This is the best decision to buy this for my 4 year old girl. She has been using the training wheels bike for 2 years and no result. She uses this balance for one week and can bike herself. Very light weight. And easy to put together
Cathy Agler
> 3 dayThe balance bike for my granddaughter was perfect. Easy to assemble, very sturdy and light weight. It is perfect and we love it.
> 3 dayGot it for my 4 yo who took to it right away. It did help that there are several friends of hers who already have balance bikes and she was able to see how it should be ridden before having one of her own. Cons: rather disappointed that the tires were plastic but then I looked at the price tag and all is forgiven. My major beef though is with the seat. No matter how tight I tried to adjust it, it always becomes a bit crook after a few bike sessions. Pros: affordable, looks good, light weight so that even your child can pick it up, the bell, rides well, and last but not the least, it does prepare your child for pedal bikes. We have this bike for 2 months and my toddler already can balance it pretty well. She would pick her feet up and glide for 15 seconds or more before having to push with her feet again. Highly recommend this bike for the fact that it does what every balance bike should do at an affordable price.
Diana R
> 3 dayI missed return window because this was ordered for a Christmas gift for my grandson. On Christmas Day we were disappointed to find the bike with warped rims, wobbly wheels, and flat tires. We watched videos on how to start a toddler on the balance bike and learned most of the bikes have brakes. This bike does not have a brake.
Donna Leaver
> 3 dayMy grandson was obsessed with it from the moment it was opened and assembled. Riding it in the house as well as outside. Took no time at all to learn to balance himself on it.
Jesse B
Greater than one weekSimple to put together. Seems to be very sturdy. The seat height is a little difficult to adjust but I think thats a good thing. Both my 2 yr old grandson and 4 yr old granddaughter can ride it.
Kitty Cat
> 3 dayBought for my grandsons 3rd birthday. He loves this little bike! You can hear the little bell ringing everywhere he goes. It took me less than five minutes to put the handlebars and the seat on it. The bell was already attached and so were the wheels. Its lightweight, but sturdy. Radio Flyer is my go to brand. We have the rocket scooter and the foldable tricycle. Less than fifty dollars for a well constructed balance bike. Thanks!
Jen H
> 3 dayThis balance bike is nice, and the air tires are very nice for the price point. It was simple to assemble and is light enough that my kids can move it around without any problems. I wish that the handlebars were adjustable, and the seat post was a little longer, but this isnt an expensive bike, so youre not going to get everything you want. Both my 3 year old twins and my 4.5 year old have no trouble riding this. There are the expected minor scratches that have occurred to all the balance bikes we own, but the vinyl on the edge of the seat split the first time my son put it on the ground. Its still totally usable, but I was a bit disappointed. These have no way to stand up, so theyre going to end up on their sides. It would have been nice if the design protected the more fragile components better. Our wooden Radio Flyer balance bike and our GOMO balance bike seem to be a bit better designed in that respect, but they both have their own quirks. All in all, a very decent balance bike if you want to spend under $90.
Susan Benner
> 3 dayCute bike; however when it arrived, there rear tire would not hold air. Had to pay to have it repaired. Disappointing